Entry 22 ~ ♡Chocolatey Confession♡

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The time has come...
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The walls of the Town Hall seemed to be closing in on me. Any sudden noises caused me to jump out of my skin, only to settle down after realizing it was nothing.
A neatly wrapped gift resided in my paws. I tried not to clutch the box, an attempt to prevent the ruining of shiny red wrapping paper and green ribbon. I was swimming in nerves, my breaths shaky from subtle trembling.
     Today was the day, Valentines Day to be specific. Today, I was going to tell him everything.

I'm worried that when (Y/n) walks through that door I'm going to lose all composure and pass out.

     My eyes were pretty much glued to the clock, it was 9:20. I came in earlier for some extra time to calm down, but even after two hours I'm still freaking out. Every minute that passed increased my anxiety, I wish he would just show up already so all the upcoming embarrassment can pass. I sighed aloud and lay my head on the table, lifting it up slightly only to slam it back down onto the wooden surface.

I can't do this..


I can do this!



Ugh. I may just wing it and hope for the best, how unlike me.
     Gradually, my body relaxed, taking a moment to erase the tension. Faint sunlight bore through the windows of the Hall, a curious difference since its always seemed so barren in here. I allowed myself to smile softly, enjoying the sun's glow.
     There was a faint jingle in the distance. I didn't think much of it at first. Then, footsteps drew closer, and my heart practically screamed, accelerating so harshly that I feared it had bursted from my chest.
     "Good morning, Belle! Happy Valentines Day!" His voice graced my fluffy ears even if he'd startled me. I quickly sat up to return the greeting.
"Good morning.. and.. Happy Valentines Day to you t-too.." (Y/n) was wearing a pale pink button up shirt assumably for the occasion, bringing out his inner-innocence.
"You look cute today," I blurted without even thinking about it. My eyes subconsciously widened, and I wanted to run out the the room screaming. However, my fears fled as (Y/n) shifted nervously, rubbing the back of his head. His cheek tinted a similar color to that of his attire.
"Thank you.. err.. these are for you!" That's when I noticed the bouquet of pink and red carnations in his hand. I was too busy gazing at him to notice them.
"Wow, (Y/n), these are lovely. Thank you." (Y/n) plastered on his recurring, huge grin.
"My mother tends to send me a whole lot of them. It's weird, I don't recall her being a florist. Anyways, I started cross breeding them to make that for you!" (Y/n) explained.
"I see. Hey, uh, I have something for you too, but..." I held the gift firmly under my desk, inhaling deeply. "I want to give it to you a little later." (Y/n) seemed to light up.
"That's fine, may I ask why?"
"It's a surprise! So, are you doing anything right now?" I tried to distract myself and act as if we were just having a normal conversation, but I couldn't look him in the eye.
"Nope! Why, you wanna go somewhere?" He walked closer to my desk, only increasing my shyness that was growing to be very annoying.
"Yeah, today's a holiday so I figured it'd be appropriate," I replied, finally mustering the courage to look at him, his wide grin faded into a loving smile.

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(Y/n) and I walked side by side with no real destination. He wasn't as talkative as I'm used to him being, but that was fine, I'm not sure I could respond properly any longer anyways. I had my sweet declaration hidden in my shirt, hoping the paper doesn't crinkle loud enough for him to hear.
(Y/n) suddenly paused, his eyes stuck on something. I followed his stare, and it led to the playground he put together a few months ago. It must've solely been in the works then, because it had severely upgraded since then. Bushes bordered the massive space, leaving room for that same colorful balloon arch. Primary colored instruments weren't just randomly strewn about like before, they all seemed to belong where they were. There were now a couple of stepping stones leading to the entrance with a water fountain right beside it, trailing off the main path. The jungle gym was directly in the middle, white pansies surrounding it. Beside it were a parallel set of tire toys, clovers lining the front. In the top right corner was a sandbox, a couple of toys mangled in the tan grains. One thing that stuck out to me was a flower topiary I remember setting up with him. It was shaped like a tulip, and was placed behind the gym. The only thing partially messy about this place was a chalk set that'd been opened and scattered across the small the pathway leading through the park.
     "What's wrong, (Y/n)?" I asked, wondering why the sight occupied his attention. He turned his head to me, a small simper gracing his lips.
     "Nothing, just nostalgic," he said, about to start walking again but I stopped him. He looked at me quizzically, but I simply took his wrist and bounded towards the playground, ignoring his protests.
     Pretty soon, the two of us were goofing around like little kids. I hopped on the jungle gym and (Y/n) grabbed ahold of the sides. With little force, he sent me spinning furiously, air harshly whipping all around me. Despite the somewhat sick feeling in my stomach, I called out in laughter, leaning back with my arms extended, a strong grip on the bars.
     We bounced on the tire toys, (Y/n) doing all sorts of flips and other cool tricks that I couldn't even imagine myself doing. He'd jump from the tires to the gym, swinging for a bit before hopping to the ones on the other side. I'd pretend to rate his parkour, often pretending everything he did was boring or unworthy of my praise.
     "Sorry, (Y/n), you have to admit that was terrible. Quit slacking." He was perched on the jungle gym, leisurely turning.
     "Hah! You couldn't do any better," he replied snidely, turning his nose up at me. I acted out a gasp, as if I took offense to his accusation.
     "Why I never! I ought to have you disqualified!"
     "What good would that do?"
     "You'd never make it to the championships, not that you could anyways, given your revolting demonstrations," (Y/n) then stood up, an unreadable expression on his face. I didn't know what I was more afraid of, him, or the fact that he was precariously balanced on that thing.
     Without time to process. He leapt from the top of the gym, cleverly tackling me into the sandbox. I let out a yelp.
    "(Y/n)! Now there's sand.. every.." I should be used to this procedure by now, but I'm not. (Y/n) loomed over me, his hands resting at either side of my body. His face was so close to mine, I could feel his breath on my face. I wish I could just sink the the bottom, but it wouldn't have been deep enough anyways.
     "Judging by the look on your face, that performance was pretty good," he winked and my face nearly erupted. In an act of embarrassment, I threw a fistful of sand into his face. His features scrunched up as his eyes closed.
     "Okay, maybe I deserved that." I snickered under him.
     "Just a little," I added slyly, but soon regretted it. (Y/n) began rubbing his now beach-like hair into my uniform, beige kernels rapidly spilling into my fur.
     "(Y/n)! Stop it!" I said between giggles. In an attempt to push him off,
He dropped his arms and crashed all of his weight onto me. He snaked them around my waist instead, leaving me bound and helpless.
     "Okay! Okay! I give!" I sputtered, still chortling. Finally he stopped, the both of us breathing heavily. With me still in his arms, he turned over so he was in the sand and I was slightly on top of him.
     "Should teach you not to mess with me," he added smugly, sticking his tongue out at me. I had half a mind to chuck sand into his mouth, but decided against it.
     "You're the worst," I replied, resting my head on his shoulder, my heart still racing. I couldn't tell if it was from the previous event, or our positioning.
     "I try," he said with a chuckle, snuggling closer to me.

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