Entry 6 ~ ♡Too Much to Handle♡

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(Y/n)'s POV

     My new bestie, Rosie, was giving me a tour around town.
     "...And if you use a wetsuit, you could swim to that little island under the train tracks!" she informed, always making the most theatrical poses.
     "Cool, I should take you with me."
     "Ooh! That'd be so fun! But... shouldn't you take Isabelle, your secretary?"
     "Uhh... sure, if she'd like to go."
     "But isn't she like, your...." Rosie nudged my arm playfully.
     "My what? Friend? Yeah, she is." She chuckled quietly.
     "You really are dense..." I couldn't hear her whisper. "Whatever, didja know it was her birthday today?" (OKAY! I know she's born December 20th but... it's a fanfic, sue me)
     "Really? Awesome! I have to get her something!" I racked my brain, what would Isabelle like?
     "Yeah you should. I gotta go, and I look forward to our little swim~!" Rosie skipped away, twirling every few hops.
     I watched her go, smiling. Well, off to work!

Isabelle's POV

     I'd remembered to wear perfume this morning, and I brought my brush with me today. Now I look extra sharp! (Y/n) will be so impressed! Maybe he'll even notice the cherry smell and compliment it! I giggled uncontrollably, spinning around. If (Y/n) ever told me that I was beautiful I would freak out! I'm just a clumsy pup with fluffy ears! What is there to like?
"Hey Belle!"
"(Y/n)? U-uh... h-hi!" He grinned and started going to his desk, but stopped midway.
"Is that cherry?" He said, looking at me.
"W-well... y-y-yes! I-it is.. It's my favorite scent." I attempted to say professionally and failed.
"Cool!" He came closer. "I like it." I began internally screaming and a few beads of sweat dripped from my fur.
"T-THANK YOU (Y/N)." I practically shouted.
"No problem. Work hard for me today, alright?"
"Yes o-of course! D-d-do your best (Y/n)!" Everytime I see him I keep on thinking of what's happened between us. Embarrassing and sweet moments keep flying by. Actually, I've been thinking about him a lot recently... I need to calm down before this gets out of hand!
"Yes Mayor? I mean..."
"It's cool. Call me (Y/n) when you're comfortable." His kindness made itself into a spear and impaled me.
"Right... I will." I guess I somewhat enjoyed calling him (Y/n) because it made us feel closer. "What was it you needed?"
"Do you like swimming?"
"Hm? Well yes but why-"
"No reason... I need help with this complaint form."
"S-sure." I got up and went to his desk, tightening the ribbon in my hair causing the bells to jingle. "What seems to be the issue?" He began, his voice caressing my ears. Despite being close to my age he's very polished and mature. I started to get nervous and discomposed. We were merely centimeters apart. No... stay focused Isabelle!
"... and I don't know what to do! There are literally trees everywhere" He finished, slumping into his chair. "Not enough greenery my a-"
"W-well maybe they want more bushes? To see the many striking and rich colors they have to offer. We see these simple flowers and trees everyday! How something from the island?" I inhaled, hoping what I said was good enough.
"Huh... maybe you're right. Thanks Belle. You really are something aren't you." He beamed sending a warm rush down my whole body. I shivered at the feeling.
"N-no problem... (Y/n)..." he glanced at me before his cheeks flushed an appealing rose, then he went back to work. I marched back to my desk like a robot, eyes wider than they needed to be. Air rushed in my sockets and I teared up, sitting down. I rubbed my face and exhaled, I successfully pleased Mayor (Y/n) without becoming a flustered cherry tomato who can't speak.

Time Skip

"I'm heading out Belle, catch you later."
"E-eh? But it's..." I looked towards the clock. "Only 2:45..?" I turned back and (Y/n) was right in my face.
"Sounds like you're gonna miss me~" he smirked, putting his hands on my desk and leaning towards me. I completely froze, taken back by this side of (Y/n). Immediately, he backed off and laughed hysterically. "You should've seen you face! Did I *snicker* scare you? *giggle* Sorry!" He took a deep breath and tried to stop smiling... only to start laughing again.
"M-mayor (Y/n)!" I said angrily, standing up and hitting him in the arm.
"Alright... alright... I'm the smart, respectful mayor again." He said playfully, swishing his hair then brushing it back with his hands. I almost fell over, blood dripping from my nose (anime anyone?). "I'll be back, don't worry." The door closed and sunshine dulled, happiness drained.

     It's actually my birthday today! Digby was kind enough to leave a gift for me. It was one of those clipboards that have a compartment to store your documents... Thanks Digs.. I never told (Y/n) because I didn't want to make him feel like he needed to do something for me. I sighed, leaning back and closing my eyes.
    "This is exactly why I need more friends." I groaned, slamming my paw down.
     I was contemplating how a disorganized dog like me could obtain a friendly acquaintance until the door swung open again.
"FUUAHH! W-welcome to the Hall Town!!? I GIVE INFO... (Y/n)?"
"I'm back but um... is this a bad time? Do you need a few more minutes to practice English?" He joked, causing me to turn red and lay my head down.
"Glad your back (Y/n)." I groaned, listening to him walk over.
"C'mon get up! I have something for ya!" He lifted up my chin with his finger. Embarrassed, I sat up and faced him. "What is it?"

He handed me a pale pink box, decorated with a white polka-dots and a ruffled bow. Shocked and flustered, I lifted the lid.
     "(Y-Y/n)?!" It was a vanilla cake, decorated with frosted pink roses and juicy strawberries. He smiled brightly at me.
     "Happy Birthday Isabelle!" he cheered and my heart rate accelerated.
"Thank you..." I teared up a bit, it's the first time I've been truly celebrated since I moved here with Digby. He started to look a bit scared.
"H-hey... this was supposed to make you smile! Don't cry!" (Y/n) reached over and wiped the tears.
"I know... I know.." I made the biggest grin I could, matching some I've seen him make (trust me, (Y/n) smiles a lot).
"There you go... Oh! How about we go out tomorrow?"
"Hm? Okay, why not!"
"Great! I'll see you tomorrow then." He waves goodbye and leaves me alone, the smell of frosting and strawberries barley lingering under my nose. I watched him run past, until he faded out of sight.

I don't really know why, but the second I knew I was alone, I screamed.
"DID I JUST SAY 'WHY NOT' TO A DATE INVITE?!" I slumped onto the floor, curling up into a ball, it was starting to feel very hot in here and my heart hadn't calmed down yet. "What should I do... I can't go! I'll..." I sighed aloud. "Stupid (Y/n)..."

Authors Note
I did it YAY! I had no idea what to do with this chapter so I just made it her birthday... woo! I'll try and update faster ;-; but. I'm. just.


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