Entry Three~ ♡Living a Fantasy♡

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Isabelle's POV

A calm version of Bubblegum K.K. danced through my ears. Waves of rich sound drifted about my room, setting a comfortable mood for those who hear it. I stared lovingly at Mayor (Y/n)'s gift. Cyrus was more than eager to turn the shell on the most beautiful music box I'd ever seen. I can see why he had so much pride in his creation. I grazed my paw across the pearly exterior, sliding over the many jewels embedded in the top. A glittering pink, yellow, orange, and blue, shone just like the many constellations and stars I see through the telescope at the renovated museum. Celeste seems very fond of them as well.
I smiled to myself as the song came to an end, and the lid slowly closed. My bed creaked as I turned over, feeling giddy about Mayor (Y/n) giving me the day off.

"You're a great hardworking secretary, Isabelle. You do so much for me already! All I ask is for you to just relax tomorrow, I don't want to see you once in the Town Hall, okay? I can handle the work, I promise."

Mr. Tortimer never gave me the day off. I was stuck doing all of the work that he should've been doing. (Y/n) is such an amazing mayor, and it's only been a month!

"Speaking of the beach, you should go with me sometime!"

A small blush crept onto my cheeks and I looked over to my window, beginning to gaze into the vast ocean. A misty, pure blue could be seen right past the Town Hall. I could almost imagine sinking my paws into the smooth sand, that became incredibly damp from the water that constantly washed unexpected things to shore.
I pictured myself splashing in the cold water with (Y/n), laughing and wishing the day would never end. Soon, unforgiving, violent waves would roll in, smacking us about like pucks in an ocean hockey game. Fear would clog up our systems as the mother of all waves drew near. (Y/n) would try and help me... but we wouldn't make it, and everything would go dark.
Somehow, (Y/n) would carry me to shore, exhausted and battered from being knocked around by strong, protective walls of the sea. He'd lay me gently on the sand, and place the heels of his hands on my chest, pressing down gently, hoping I'll awaken. But I don't respond, and he can't hear me breathing. Now, there are no other options. Slowly, he moves his head closer to mine and-!
"Isabelle?" My door swung open.
"KYA!" I went flying towards the floor, tumbling off my bed and landing directly on my face. After a few grueling moments of fighting the pain, I stood up and placed a paw on my nose that was still stinging.
"Oh my... Isabelle are you okay!?" My brother, Digby, cried, stepping towards me. "I didn't mean to scare you..." He confirmed.
"I-I'm okay..." I said sweetly, pretending that I was just fine.
"Good! Because I want you to tour (T/n) today!" He declared, the same way Mr. Nook would when he assigns someone a task.
"Wha..? Why?" I tilted my head.
"To get you outside! The only times you're ever out is when you're walking to work and back!" Digby said sternly. Well... that's not entirely true. I'll take the shortest walks ever sometimes. But I never had time for such things.
"W-well I have to set up a ceremony for the new café!"
"Puh-leaze! You could get that done easily!" He said sassily, doing some sort of dramatic neck roll.
"Hm... I guess I can't be too bad.."
"Hah! After you see what (Y/n) has done, you'll be thanking me!"

It was a cloudy spring evening, the sky was slowly becoming a pure pink sunset. Newly bloomed cherry blossoms were no longer just planted randomly. Instead, they were symmetrical to a new stone path that traveled throughout the whole town. Street lamps had baskets of white flowers hanging from them, blowing snowy petals onto the ground. The path led right up to Digby and my house too, stopping directly at our door. I then noticed how vibrant pink roses lined the exterior of our home, huddling close the tan picket fence.
Eager to explore, I bounded down the path, the pads on my feet slapping the smooth stone. All the resident homes somehow became symmetrical too. Lined up perfectly with the space between every tree. My heart was full of excitement and awe. How did (Y/n) do all of this?

Isabelle x Mayor | My Greatest MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now