Entry 7 ~ ♡It's not Me, it's my Heart♡

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Isabelle's POV

I rushed to get out of the house. "See you later Digby!" I barley yelled before bolting out the door.
"Uh... bye?"
I was desperate to get there first, I needed to get there first. I want to hear the sound of the door opening. I yearn for the sweet tone in his voice. I want to feel like... he comes to work because I'm always there to greet him.
When I arrived, nobody was here yet. I hummed happily to myself before skipping over to my desk.

Then I waited...

It really didn't take long before I realized that coming twenty minutes early wasn't such a great idea. To pass time, I thought about what we'll do after work is over... and how long it'll take for it to end. I grumbled quietly, sliding down my chair.
I heard the bell above the door jingle and I shot back up. Rapidly, I neatened my fur and fixed my posture. He looked up after wiping his shoes on the doormat and gave me a 'good morning' smile.
     "Morning Belle!" I blushed slightly and returned one.
     "Good morning (Y/n), do your best today." He made his way to the back and took a seat, beginning to take out paperwork. I didn't mean to stare, but I did. Have I ever told you how handsome (Y/n) is? With his chocolaty brown hair and dark eyes seem to dazzle in any kind of light. He's just so... I don't know... perfect?
"O-ouchie..." I had leaned on my elbow so much that it slipped and I fell over, sending papers everywhere. "Dang it Isabelle!" I mumbled, bonking myself on the head. (Y/n) had immediately gotten up to help me, taking my paw to lift me up. I just gazed at him before he unfortunately let go and started to pick up everything that dropped.
"Oh uhm... thank you (Y/n)..." He set the rest on my desk.
"No problem.. hey, your face is a little red, did you hurt yourself?" I hope he didn't notice my face become even redder.
"I'm f-fine... don't worry a-about me! Haha..." I said, watching him go back to his desk.
The worst part about this is that there isn't anything for me to do today. There wasn't a lot of work piled up so I finished quickly. On a day like this I'd take time to relax, but I just feel so much tension. I want to leave for our... outing. I never get to go out much, and definitely not with others.

I groaned at the recurring 'tick tock' from the clock and rubbed my eyes. It has been about two hours but I feel like it's been days. I just need (Y/n) to finish and then we can go. What's taking him so darn long! I looked behind me to see him sketching, probably a makeshift blueprint for a public work project. For some reason, I wanted to see it.
"Err... (Y/n), what're you doing?" I asked, as if I never looked at it before.
"One of the residents said something about a picnic table..." he began, before erasing something. "I want it to overlook the ocean but the campsite is..." he trailed off, not too keen on finishing his reply. I simply turned back around.

A picnic blanket huh?

I smiled goofily to myself, beginning the fantasize. I wonder if (Y/n) and I could sit together, admiring the ocean. Would he put his arm over me? Or maybe he'd put his hand on top of mine. Although the weather hasn't, the ocean has remained calm for decades. It's the perfect place, maybe he's a bit more romantic than I thought. What are his intentions for our 'friendly trip' anyways? Sure it's for my birthday, but maybe, just maybe... he'll grant me a wish? Anything I desire... That seems pretty romantic to me. What would I wish for? Perhaps a ki-
"Eep! Y-yes (Y/n)?"
     "I'm done we can go now!" His excited personality bursted out as ran over to my desk. He paused for a moment, adjusting his behavior. He flushed a soft pink before extending his hand towards me. I felt at ease and wrapped my arm around his... but it didn't last long.
     I could hear my heart banging as we entered the Main Street shopping district.
     "Well, we can go anywhere you want." I grew puzzled, he didn't have a plan? Guess I'm not getting my wish... n-not that I wanted anything in particular... heh.
"Anywhere?" He nodded.
"Yep! Today is your day. Well technically yesterday was but-"
"I get it (Y/n), and thank you for the cake, Digby and I enjoyed it a lot."
"Anytime. Now, have you chosen a place yet?" I looked around. My eyes stopped on T&T Emporium. (Y/n)'s contributions managed to drag Gracie to this town! I was so excited until work kept getting in the way, so I never got to go.
"W-well I've never got to visit GracieGrace before so..." I was suddenly pushed through the automatic door, and dragged up two flights of stairs.
"What do ya know we're here already." (Y/n) chirped before we were greeted by Gracie.
"Welcome to GracieGrace, where I design haute couture for your body and home." She smirked, obviously proud of her establishment.
"Okay! Feel free to admire, Belle." (Y/n) followed as I let myself look around the store. Her variety was a mixture of slightly weird and beautiful! There were quite a few dresses that I'd love to take home, but these prices are ridiculous! I stopped to stare at the bridal veil for a moment, before letting my imagination getting the better of me. I eyed (Y/n) for a moment and giggled to myself.
"I see you going crazy about that bridal veil, care to try it on?" Gracie had strode over and before listening to my answer, fit the veil over my head. "Gorgeous! If you want it it'll be-"
"No no, I'm just browsing!" I said quickly.
"Ooh pretty! Who're you getting married to?" (Y/n) joked and to my surprise, pulled the linen part of the veil behind my head. I put my paws to my chest, and darted my eyes anywhere but into his. "S-sorry did that bother you?" I took a deep breath.
"Sorry to interrupt the scene, but I'm sort of running a business here." I shot a quick glare at her, not just because she ruined the chance of my wish being granted, but there's literally nobody here but us.
     "Right, sorry. Let's go Belle!" He made his way down the stairs, but I couldn't get my mind off the veil.
     "Actually... I'll take it."

     "Your call~" (Y/n) said, leaning a bit towards me before standing up straight again. Then I thought to myself: "I want a memory."
     "How about the photo booth? I want to take a few pictures... with you." I whispered that last part, he didn't need to hear it.
     "Sure!" We walked in unison to the far right of Main Street and entered the booth together.
     It was a bit awkward for the first picture. The two of us simply smiled the way we would normally, (Y/n)'s obviously a bit brighter.
     "How about a silly one this time!" He offered, and I agreed. I crossed my eyes and stuck out my tounge while (Y/n).... well I'm not sure what he was doing. It was definitely silly... and a bit frightening.
     "Want to do a third one?" I'm not sure what we should do this time, but I nodded. He leaned down to my height and wrapped an arm around me, using the other to make a peace sign. I began to boil with embarrassment and the camera went off.

     "Geez (Y/n), tell me when you're going to do something like that!"
     "But the face you made was so funny!" He laughed, earning a playful shove from me. "Fine, you were cute. Feel better?" I didn't respond. How many times am I going to turn red because of him! Is this healthy?
     We entered the museum to find Blathers sleeping right in the middle of the room. (Y/n) poked him and he fell over.
     "Normally he wakes up... Eh, whatever." He led me into the fishing section. Many varieties of fish or animals you get from diving, danced about in the tanks, forming bubbles in all sizes. The water was clear yet a pure azure, decorated with plants like coral and anemone. We stood by the ocean section, and marveled at the sharks. I'd never seen a coelacanth before! I peeked at (Y/n), who was reading the information provided about the certain fish that were in this tank. His eyes looked like someone encased a part of space into a glass orb, full of light like stars, yet darker and more intense than the ocean at night. It was like I was stuck floating in the unending midnight inclosure, free to enjoy all of the charming aspects.
"It took forever to catch this thing..." (Y/n) groaned and I zipped my head in the other direction.
"Haha... how did you manage to catch a whale shark anyways?" I asked, surprisingly not stuttering. He just looked at me then looked back before his eyes grew wide.
"How did I do that?" (Y/n) took a step back from the tank and began pondering.
"Err... maybe it's time to go... Uhm hello? (Y/n)?"

Time Skip

     To end our day, I wanted to overlook the ocean on the bench right outside the museum.
     "I had a lot of fun today (Y/n)!" Which is the truth, I never really leave the Town Hall.
     "Good! Tell me when you want to go out again." I'm not sure if we ever will, but I look forward to it.

Authors Note

Herrrroooo! How are you all? Hm... I haven't updated in forever? Well I uhm... I uh... *runs away*
Okay all joking aside...

Author~chan is very lazy and schoolwork keeps her busy, I'll try a little harder but I can't guarantee anything. Please stay patient for me!

Also sorry this chapter was so rushed and crappy ;-;


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