Entry 19 ~ ♡Hot n' Cold♡

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Not gonna lie, this chapter is kinda exciting... and not in the way you might think.

I need a life.
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Isabelle's POV

It wasn't supposed to end this way.

Here I was, on the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, stuck in the Town Hall. A small snow storm grew into a nasty blizzard, howling against the rattling windows. (Y/n) wasn't supposed to find me, with his stupidly perfect face and ridiculously strong immune system. He wasn't supposed to scoop me up and carry me to his house against my will, asking me if I was okay and scolding me all at the same time. Digby wasn't supposed to say yes, when (Y/n) called him and asked if I could stay in his 'house' until the storm died down. I wasn't supposed to remain silent, allowing these events to unfold, but I did, and here I am, sitting in (Y/n)'s gorgeous living room, having a hot cocoa. That's not even the worst part. I'm not only stuck here with this attractive atrocity of a man, but I'm stuck with said man during the a certain horrid time of the month.

"Do you feel better?" (Y/n) asked, coming back in his assumed lounging clothes. He had a blue, cozy-looking sweater on that past his fingertips, and a pair of black sweatpants. I was angry at how extra cute I found him to be.
"Yes. Thank you." I said respectfully, in order to maintain the relationship we're supposed to have. The wood in the fireplace crackled, capturing my attention. (Y/n) pulled this out just for me, placing it under a TV hanging on the wall. He also had a red kotatsu, decorated in dragonflies if the fire didn't keep me warm.
"Good." He smiled, plopping down next to me and pulling the covers over his legs. It had gotten harder and harder to ignore my affections. I keep noticing how perfect I think he is, or how much I want to hold him. I've even accidentally resorted back to (Y/n) a few times! Sooner or later, I'm going to crack.
The TV suddenly turned on. A 60-inch flat screen flickered to life, and one of the dramas I've been watching recently came on. It made me somewhat sick to my stomach, knowing I used these (and food) to ignore my own pain. It seems kind of stupid now that I'm thinking about it. (Y/n) kept surfing until it landed on some cartoon. There was a small yellow character that looked like Pac-Man with legs. He would fight malicious villains and save the day like any generic super hero. (Y/n), who seemed contented, set the remote down.
I just started watching him after that, every movement he made. His dark eyes focused on the TV, glaring, softening, closing. I even noticed the subtle glances at his watch every few minutes. I really am a creep.
     "You hungry, Belle?" (Y/n) turned to look at me. Goodness. Everything he does is enticing me.
"(Y/n), sweetheart, my hormones are all out of whack so if you could stop being so appealing, that'd be great." But I'd kill myself before I even think of saying something remotely similar to that.
     "A little, but I'll be fine." He simply smiled then stood up.
     "I'll go make something for us." A little tension released when he left the room. I had time to mentally prepare myself until he was finished.

     It's okay Isabelle. It's just one night. One night. A night in the house of my beloved that I'm trying not to be in love with but it's not exactly working so I'm just suffering instead.

Okay. That didn't help at all.

     I laid my head on the kotatsu, sighing dramatically.

     Why did the snow have to act up now?! At the one time I really don't need to be near (Y/n). I just need to calm down. You'll be fine Isabelle...

     "I'm back~" Startled, I looked back. (Y/n) was bounding back towards me, a plate of rice balls in hand.

Why is he so adorable? This is so unfair!

     "Thank you.. again." He placed them in the center of the table and plopped down next to me. My heart forcibly accelerated much to my frustration. As of late, it hasn't been speeding up as much as it did a couple months ago. But unfortunately, my desires are stronger than I am at the moment.
"No prob!" He looked me in the eyes when he said this, a genuine smile appearing on his face. I turned away almost immediately upon that cursed feeling surging through me.

Throughout the night that buzzing in my stomach continued to unravel me. (Y/n) eventually decided to watch a 'horror' movie. It wasn't all that scary for me but it seemed to be down right terrifying for him. Apparently, he really hates spiders and if he so much as sees a dead one, he'll freak out. He would jump and brush up against me. Normally I'd quickly back out, but his warmth kept me glued to him. Heck, I was in complete control of my actions, I just ignored my innermost wishes... At least I think I did. Other times when he knew something was about to pop up, he'd cower behind me and put his hands on my shoulder. My brain kept reeling. I mean, he was touching me, breathing rapidly onto my neck, and his whole body was against mine.

I succumbed to the darkness under unfair circumstances. I lost outright.

(Y/n)'s POV

"(Y/n)." Belle's voice was eerie and shaky, I almost didn't process what she said.
     "Yes..?" I tried not to sound uneasy. She turned to face me, but since her head was down, I couldn't see her face.
     "I can't do this." She mumbled quietly.
     "Can't do what? Are you okay? Do you need some wa—?" Before I finished she pushed me and I fell onto my back. "Ow.. Belle what's wrong with... with.. oh." Belle was hovering over me with this weird look in her eyes. She seemed really drained, like she wasn't entirely there. My train of thought was broken when she leaned closer to me. I expected her to say something, but she remained silent, placing a paw on my cheek.
"Belle... I.." She was less than a few centimeters from me, and I began wondering if this was actually happening. Then, out of nowhere, she collapsed onto my shoulder, the heat radiating from her overtaking my skin. I was still for a couple minutes, dumbfounded, until I heard light snoring coming from her.

- - -
Slowly, I carried her up to my guest bedroom, wishing whatever had just occurred would seep out of my mind. I laid her on the bed, suddenly feeling a little concerned when she didn't wake up. I put my hand on her forehead, the warmth instantly shared. Quickly, I went back downstairs to get an ice pack. When I returned, Belle was sitting up, confusion shown all over her face. We locked eyes and she perked up while I tried to hush my embarrassment.
"(Y/n)— Mayor— Mayor (Y/n).. erm... why am I...?"
"You.. passed out."
"Oh! I'm sorry! What happened?"
"Nothing, nothing at all." I replied with a smile.

Authors Note
I've got some issues that need to be worked out, but at least I finished a chapter.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter anyways despite how weird it was, but there's always reasoning behind it.

Deprivation leads to desperation kids, let this be learned because Isabelle failed that quiz.

There's about four more chapters left and one bonus fluff chapter until the end of this book! Thank you so much for your support! Bye~~ :3

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