Entry 13 ~ ♡Checkered Affection♡

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Isabelle's POV

I arose this morning feeling rather groggy, sliding slowly out of bed into an uncharted adventure. Yawning softly and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I headed out of my room to prepare for the day.
"Have a good one, Digby!" I called, tying my fur up into my signature bow neatly.
"Later Iz." He replied, opening the door and welcoming a fresh gust of wind into our home. I picked up my bag, and left soon after him.

     It was a cool morning, a lot chillier than I would've liked to be honest. I'd already switched to the uniform I normally wear when it's cold, only partially blocking out the freezing wind. (Y/n), our selfless mayor, had already redecorated the town for fall. Orange, red, and yellow flowers swayed along with the weather. Perfect peach trees (and other fruits of a similar color) stood proudly in planned spots. I'd like to pick one, but it would ruin the symmetry.

It was 9:32, but I didn't see (Y/n).

     Eventually, the Town Hall unfortunately came into view, just like any other day. The only benefit I've found in this forsaken workplace is (Y/n)'s company, which I don't get that often. I opened the door slowly, immediately reaching over to turn on the lights. The pillow I was given welcomed my back as I slumped into my chair. Of course I instantly sat up, in case (Y/n) would be arriving soon. 

He didn't.

     I'd only really showed up to greet him. Today was Labor Day, one of those holidays where I randomly gift the mayor. Also a day for me to stand outside in the cold all day because the world secretly hates me.
     I found myself waiting a little longer than necessary before leaving, only the smallest bit of hope that (Y/n) would show up, but there was no sign of him. The sun aided my temperature on my way to the Plaza, it wasn't much, but I was grateful. And there I was, standing out in the open for animals to simply walk by me without a care. Not that I wasn't used to people not noticing me, in fact I preferred it. There was just this very enormous voice that screamed: "THIS IS POINTLESS."

But hey, it's my job.

     I don't know how I never got bored. I was literally standing here doing nothing with this perfected smile on my face. I guess I always found entertainment in watching. Gazing upon the vast nature, or Stitches' constant tantrums from dropping his ice cream. I suppose it was because looking was far more interesting than my actual life. That's why I like (Y/n) so much, he makes my world so much more than I thought it was.
     "Belle!" My thought bubble was popped.
     "Evening, (Y/n)!" He smiled brightly at me, the same one I see every day that I never get tired of. "Happy Labor Day!" I handed him the picnic basket and his eyes lit up.
     "Thank you Belle!" He glanced to the side, I noticed the red tint on his nose and cheeks, but I blamed it on the weather. "This'll go great with a project that I finished not to long ago!" His hand was held out for me to take. I hesitantly grabbed it, and he led me to the southern edge of town.

     We'd stopped at a picnic blanket surrounded by pink roses and bushes. He set down the basket that he'd filed with fruit and his own cooking when we stopped by his castle on the way here.
    "It's lovely (Y/n)..." I flushed at how much this seemed like a real date.
     "Thanks, I try." He said playfully, taking a seat. I watched him gaze upon the ocean, the wind blowing his hair forward like some cliché movie scene. He noticed me awkwardly standing there and patted next to him. "It's okay Belle! I don't bite... all the time." He said cheerily before mumbling something under his breath that I didn't quite hear.
     "I know that, I was just looking at you— the water!" I covered up, plopping down and sighing afterward. (Y/n) chuckled to himself and opened the basket.
     "Help yourself." I stared at the assortment of food, unsure of how piggish it would seem if I took any. He must've sensed my worries and made me a plate himself, placing a sandwich and reasonable potions of fruit and cookies.
     "T-thank you..." I felt childish and stupid for letting him do that for me.
     "No prob~!" He said before sinking his teeth into an apple.

     Like any normal conversation with (Y/n), he ranted about life in the town, maybe even throwing in a couple bad jokes that I laughed at anyways. Sometimes he'd silence himself, allowing me to speak, and the cycle would continue.
     "(Y/n), you've got a.." I reached up and brushed some cookie crumbs off his cheek. On an impulse, I caressed him, slowly grazing my paw up and down. He placed his own hand on top of mine and looked me in the eye.

I swore I was going to faint.

     "Thanks Belle! You've got some too." He brushed my the corner of my mouth with his thumb and went back to his dessert. I sat there dumbfounded. How did he just dodge me like that? My eyes looked back towards him, and I suddenly felt very rejected.
     "Y'know, Rosie recommended I put it here, but she couldn't join us." I looked away. "I'm glad you're here though, Belle!" As a replacement?
     "Me too, thanks for inviting me..."

Authors Note

Howdy guys! Yeah this is late... but it's still on Monday so it counts!

I totally forgot yesterday so I had to finish this today. I didn't want to rush, so I just took all day to do it.
At least I didn't break my streak, that's all that matters to me XD

Poor Belle is doubtful, and after she had that whole moment realizing she didn't want to give up! Well, things change I guess~!

I hoped you enjoyed! See you next Monday!

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