Entry 4 ~ ♡It's the Little Things in Life♡

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  ❀ Isabelle's POV ❀ 

"I'm heading out now Iz, remember you have work today so no sleeping in!" I heard Digby shout before closing the door.
"Yeah yeah..." I groaned from under my covers. Reluctantly, I dug out of my blanket cave, attempting to blink away the radiant sun. My eyes grazed over the window, getting a full glimpse of the Town Hall. I was hoping a good night sleep would heal me from the night before... but now I just feel worse.
Alright... I can do this! I stretched my arms above my head and literally slid out of my bed, resting my face 'comfortably' on the floor. It took what felt like an hour for me to pick myself up. I purposely ran into the wall, hitting my head constantly. After it began to actually hurt, I dragged myself to the bathroom.

Sloppily, I tied my signature ribbon around my head and buttoned up my uniform, forgetting the top one and exposing fur. I stumbled out of the house, papers sticking out of my bag.
Before I began my (extremely short) trek to work, I breathed in the day. It was lovely out. Silky heart shaped petals fell from the trees, declothing the branches to prepare for a new summer attire. The grass was a soft green, matching my wrinkled vest. I stopped feeling drowsy, and headed for the hall.
I went to my usual spot behind the front desk. Now what was I supposed to do? Oh... the café ceremony... I slumped in my office chair, eyeing a messy stack of paperwork in the corner of my desk... I should also organise all of this. I sighed aloud, annoyed with my situation. To my left was a box of eleven party poppers. When did I get..? Whatever. Now the speech options... but (Y/n) normally says the same three lines every project. I shrugged to myself, checking that off the list as well.
I'd spent the next thirty minutes organising paperwork. Old documents, ideas from residents, or random doodles by yours truly (one of them was a drawing of (Y/n), just don't tell him please). Today seemed like another set of long mayorless hours. I was disappointed, but slightly glad. After that traumatic experience yesterday. I questioned whether or not I wanted to continue living. I've decided: I'll never be tempted by a snuggly mayor ever again

. . .
I really need to stop talking to myself like this.

The usual creak of the Hall's door let me know (Y/n) had entered. All of the sudden, I began feeling insecure about how I looked today. For one, my fur was matted, I forgot to put on perfume (Brisk Cherry to be exact), and today I was being extremely sloppy. Hurridly, I fixed my bow, grabbed the travel sized perfume bottle from inside my desk, and tried to look like I wasn't just freaking out.
"M-morning Mayor (Y/n)..." I stuttered from behind the public work project booklet.
"Howdy Isabelle!" I relaxed at the sound of his voice.
"S-s-so the café has b-been completed and t-the villagers want t-t-to have a c-ceremony..." I barely whispered. When he came closer to my desk, my heart flickered like a fading light bulb.
"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that. What is it?" My body felt as though it might shut down. Pulse beating harshly and paws sweaty, I cleared my throat.
"How was yesterday Mayor (Y-y/n)? I-I-I was gone so..." I asked, beginning to feel embarrassed from the memory. I couldn't talk about the café, I don't have it in me to speak in front of every villager today.
"Oh! It was alright. I got a lot of work done! Speaking of which." He strode over to his desk. (Y/n) is such a fine mayor, modest with a stunning personality. Always helping residents and making our town a better place to live. I smiled warmly at him unknowingly, and when he returned one, my cheeks burned with fluster and I attempted to occupied myself with anything I could find on my desk. "Here, you can have this back. Thanks by the way..." He handed me the blanked before looking weirded out.
"Is there a problem M-Mr. Mayor?"
"Nothing, I just had a really weird dream. It was..." he trailed off and I panicked.
"W-w-well I'm sure it was nothing!" I sputtered reassuringly, earning a rightful gaze of curiosity and mistrust.
"I'm sure it was too. Say, wasn't the café completed a few days ago?"
"R-right! Uh... I-"
"You haven't checked it out yet have you? To insure a perfect ceremony, right?"
"Mayor (Y/n) that course of action isn't nece- hmm.." My voice definitely wasn't going to work properly for the ceremony, so I'll see how this goes. "R-right. I haven't asked if B-Brewster was prepared for... guests."
"Heheh, I'll go with you! It'll be fun!... Isabelle? You okay?"

Time Skip

Sometimes I think that I'm not very smart. Maybe it was better to just attend the ceremony so I wouldn't have to deal with (Y/n) too much.
"Ah! There it is." I heard him chime. I stopped pretending to be oblivious to the world and looked up. It was a decent sized caramel building with an obnoxious green sign over a door littered with windows. "Let's go in!" He grabbed my paw and ran inside.
A strong smell of coffee attacked my muzzle, but I'm used to it. Brewster was standing behind a counter, cleaning a mug. "Coo, good to see you."
"Sup Robusta." (Y/n) greeted.
"Eh..? 'Robusta'?"
"It's a coffee bean." He chuckled. "Anyways R, nobody has entered the café since there was no ceremony celebrating the completion of your establishment. You ready for it?"
"Great. See ya there!" He wrapped his arm around me. "Alrighty, we'll be back R."
"Coo, see you."

His arm was still around me on our way out. (Y/n) is surprisingly casual towards him, perhaps they've met before.
"So, Mayor (Y/n)-"
"You can just call me (Y/n) you know. We're buds now! Right... uh... Belle?"
"B-B-Belle?!" I stopped walking, and my body froze up... even though I felt very heated.
"Does that sound weird? Sorry..."
"No no! I... I like it, c-call me Belle." I smiled and he beamed.
"Awesome! Have you finished planning the ceremony? I could help if you want."
"No, it's not very complex though. I'm almost done... you could carry the box of poppers for me, but only if you-"
"Of course I will, anything." My heart exploded yet again.
"T-thank you... May- (Y-Y/n)..."
"Anytime, Belle!" He ran in some random direction, draining the cheery atmosphere that seemed to follow him. I wonder if we could actually go to the café together. N-not as a date just... as friends. It wouldn't seem so bad, it's nice to be around (Y/n).

Authors Note

I'm sorry for not posting! I lost my 3-week streak. Whoops... I'll try to have two ready for next Monday (Not tomorrow). If I don't... uh... just pretend that I'm going to... yeah.


Isabelle x Mayor | My Greatest MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now