Entry 9 ~ ♡Cherry on Top♡

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Isabelle's POV

     I sat at my desk in the dreary Town Hall, restless. I couldn't stop thinking about the first Sunday fireworks. It was a wonderful memory I made with (Y/n) of course, but I was way too bold! I had the audacity to put my paw on his hand!

I'm a madwoman!

     I probably made him so uncomfortable, that all he could do was smile just so I wouldn't feel rejected! AUGH! Isabelle you're such an idiot!
     My head dropped onto the firm wood, and I pouted.
     "Stupidstupidstupidstupidstupid..." I chanted, not noticing that the door had opened.
     "Isabelle~ a good day to you!" (Y/n) chimed, inaudible to my distracted mind.
     "Why am I such an idiot? Why don't I know my place?" I whispered in a depressed tone.
     "... Belle..?" He said once more,  finally managing to grasp my attention.
     "Huh..?" I looked up into his eyes. I didn't mean to stare, but I did. Sometimes they're like a storm, confusing and dangerous, hiding a hidden beauty. Now, they're a rich dark chocolate. Semi-sweet, full of complex emotions.
"Good morning, (Y-Y/n)..." I was mesmerized, I bet my own uninteresting eyes were sparkling with admiration.
"Gee where were you? Off in another dimension?" He joked, grinning, showing off those pearly whites. I smiled softly to myself.
     "Haha... I wish. Sorry, (Y/n), I just have a lot on my mind." His expression relaxed, and he made his way to his desk.
     "You should take a break Belle, I can't have a distracted secretary~!"
     "Right..." I closed my eyes and brought my paws up to my chest. An accelerated 'thump thump' was beating against them.

     He's just the mayor, your business partner, keep it together!

     I glanced in his direction. He was looking down, red glasses perched on the roof of his nose. A determined spark was in his eyes as he wrote furiously. I like that about him. Someone so childish, can be so dependable and hardworking.
     For some odd reason, I wanted him to pay attention to me, though he's hard at work. I suppose I've had this desire before, but today it's somehow stronger. After gazing for longer than necessary, I began building up the courage to talk to him.
     "H..." I closed my mouth. Just look at how busy he is Isabelle! That'd be rude...
     I reached into my desk drawer and pulled out some paperwork, scanning each sheet. All of them were completed, precisely as usual. I slumped back into my office chair, questioning why I wait here all day everyday when nothing ever happens. The thought led my eyes back to (Y/n), and I quickly discovered my answer. Heat crept to my face, symbolizing embarrassment. "Nothing has even happened and I'm blushing!" I hissed to myself.
     "Did you say something, Isabelle?" I heard (Y/n) say, causing jolt upwards.
     "N-n-nothing Mayor!" The words practically spilled out of my mouth. When (Y/n) gets to being all professional, I can't help but call him 'Mayor', isn't that weird?

     Minutes passed by slowly, and the only sound that could be heard was the rush of (Y/n)'s black pen. I normally don't pay attention to his belongings, but his pen has a cute little bear on the end of it! Just a clear sign of his not-so hidden personality. I beamed, suddenly in my own little world.
     "(Y/n)'s so cute~" I whispered, giggling. Magically, I was in a better mood. I guess (Y/n) just has that affect on everyone. It was then I realized that he hadn't actually done anything. I sat there perplexed for a moment. After a sudden realization, adrenaline began pumping through my veins.
     "Oh dear..." I mean, it's just a little puppy-crush, I'll get over it. He'd never be interested in someone like me anyways.
"Okay I swear you said something this time!" (Y/n) whined.
"S-sorry (Y/n)! I can't seem to help it..." I replied nervously. "I'm the worst huh..."
"No way!" I heard (Y/n) stand up and bound over to me. He slid onto the right corner of my desk, turning up the radio known as my heartbeat.
"You're the best Belle, don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Not even yourself." He chirped, stroking my fluffy ears. I tried not to melt out of embarrassment and pleasure. "You always work so hard, and it's pretty rare to see that hard-working aura diminish. I'll consider this an achievement on my behalf." I gave him a confused look. "That means you're comfortable around me, right?" My eyes widened.
     "Wha-?!" His smile widened before he exploded into a fit of giggles.
     "You should see your face right now! You get flustered pretty easily, huh Belle?"
     "(Y/n)! Knock it off!" I whined, covering my face. If someone else had said that to me, would I have reacted the same way?
     "Alright alright, I'm sorry. But back to what I said before. You're amazing, Isabelle, I couldn't get through the day without you."
     "Thank you, (Y/n)..." He made his way back to his desk. I felt a rush of butterflies. There he goes again, showing off the considerate side to his exuberant spirit. I'm ashamed to say that I was searching for some kind of sign that he might have even the slightest feelings for me, but he's an open door.

I found nothing.

Time Skip

     "I'll be leaving now, see ya Belle!" I nodded after him, feeling grim as (Y/n) rushed out the door. I knew it would happen soon, he'd leave, and my happiness would cling onto him, draining me. Is this what liking someone feels like? I'm not sure if I enjoy it, it's painful.
I know it's wrong to sit here feeling sorry for myself, but this isn't some normal situation. The only experience I thought I had with being attracted to someone was my weird obsession with K.K. Slider, and now I'm pretty sure what I'm experiencing is totally different.
I tried to cope with the growing throb in my chest when the bell above the door sang again.
"I forgot my fishing rod..." (Y/n) said, acknowledging me. He's always leaving his tools all over the place. You'd think someone would steal them, but so far I guess nobody has. As he began sifting through his many items, something must've went off inside of me.
"(Y/n)!" I nearly wailed, he was almost out the door too.

There you go Isabelle! Just make everything super awkward, great idea!

"... yeah?" He seemed to be in a rush.
"Uh.. well.. I..." I swallowed hard, knowing that I needed to just go for it, but I simply could not bring myself to.
"Isabelle... Sea bass are premium at Re-Tail today..." he mumbled, scratching the back of his head. Needless to say, that sort of pissed me off, he has all the time in the world!
"Right..." I decided to respond, shaking my head internally. "Do you m-maybe want to hang out... today or tomorrow...?"

Yes! I did it! I really-

"Hello?" He said with a somehow concerned impatience, and I realized that I didn't say anything at all. Great! Now I'm really embarrassed!
"... D... Do you... uhm.."
"Belle, I really-"
"WILL YOU GO ON ANOTHER OUTING WITH ME PLEASE?!" I shut my mouth soon after.

I regret everything, just take me away Serena...
•(If you remember Serena, you're automatically my favorite person)•

"Oh! Sure!" He smiled wide. "Is that what you were so nervous about?" I looked to the side, my own way of answering. "You're so silly Belle! It's not like it's weird for friends to hang out." I crumbled.
"I didn't mean it like that..." I whispered, unable to speak up. I wanted to say "another date" instead of outing, but I'm too much of a coward.
"Anyways, I'll meet you back here in a few, alrighty?"
"Sure..." He shot me another smile before leaving me alone again, the aching worse than it ever could be.

Authors Note

Hello everyone!
(If you haven't left already cuz I can't write stories-)

Today's entry was a little sad huh, but Belle's making that progression!

So.. I've decided to try a little harder with this update thing. I'm getting a little annoyed with myself because I update like every two years. Some of you guys surprisingly like this story! And I know how it feels to wait for something that you really want, so I'll try and go back to updating once a week on Mondays!

If there's any tips you might have, please tell me!

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