Entry 8 ~ ♡Wishful Thinking♡

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Isabelle's POV

Today was the first Sunday in August, a perfect day to enjoy the first set of fireworks! When I was younger I was beyond eager for the first blazing spark to boom in the air, greeting the stars. I'd always wanted to light one myself, however it didn't go too well...
"Hey Belle~!" (Y/n) sang, entering the Town Hall. My tail wagged on its own. Ever since Brewster's coffee shop opened, I've been waiting for the day I could personally bring him a cup, like a real secretary!
"Good morning (Y/n), I brought you some coffee!"
"Hm? Oh! Thanks Isabelle! Aren't you sweet." (Y/n) grinned and I flushed the color of a faded pink rose.
"No p-problem..." He accepted the coffee and walked to his desk.
"Next time, I'll bring you something!" His voice is so delightful, I almost didn't process what he said.
"I l-look forward to it..." I smiled to myself, giggling like a maniac on the inside. What would someone like (Y/n) bring me? I know how over the top he can be. I don't want him doing anything extravagant for me, I don't do anything like that for him. The best I've got is a plain old cup of coffee. Sighing aloud, I laid my head gently on my desk.
"Looking pretty blue there Belle." (Y/n) had rested his chin down on the end of my desk in front of me. I shot up out of embarrassment. I mean, his face was WAY too close to mine! He laughed slightly, but didn't move. "Why don't we get out of here? I'm done for today." I was sort of taken back by the proposition, but also intrigued.
"What do you have in mind?" I'm normally not this forward, but I'd like to be alone with (Y/n). Well, we're always alone, but it's not the same in the Town Hall.
"How about my place? You've never been." I nearly fell out of my chair. Not out of shock, out of excitement. I've always wanted to see his house! I'm normally tempted to knock on the door while walking home from work, but I never had enough courage.
"Okay let's go!" I rushed towards the door, but slowed down to seem less desperate. "Lead the way!"


I want to hold his hand. It just randomly popped into my mind, but I want to. Any time I managed to were short with no real meaning. I sighed, trudging behind him and eyeing his muscular frame. (Y/n) has always been in great shape, perhaps that's why he can catch sharks without blinking.
"Isabelle...?" He was looking at me with concern.
"Yes (Y/n)?"
"Uhm.. are you hungry? You're drooling." My fur transformed to a vivid red. Immediately, I wiped it away. "I could make you something!" His eyes seemed to shine, like he's waited for this moment.
"Oh my... I couldn't ask you to--"
"No no! It's perfectly fine!" He said, cutting me off.
"Well if you insist.." I looked away, brushing some of my fur back. To be honest, I was still feeling really timid.
(Y/n)'s house is beside the pathway down into the beach, like it's his personal hang out. It was about two floors with four rooms each level. I don't remember it ever looking like this! Last time it seemed like a simple house. Now?

It's literally a castle.

Standing tall and proud, sturdy with bricks, and quartz lining the doors and windows. You could enter through a balcony, the railing keeping in hybrid flowers I've never seen before.
"M-Mayor..." I said in awe, letting my formality slip.
"Pretty cool right? Welcome to my cozy little home."
"Little?!" He looked at me, then at his palace.
"Wowie it is pretty big! Never payed attention to it." I stared at him with annoyance.
"(Y/n) are you serious-"
"In we go!"

The inside was even more mesmerizing! It was a ginormous living room full of the most expensive Gracie furniture I could name. A flat-screen TV was on the wall, sparkling with a glossy sheen.
"You can come with me into the kitchen if you want. If not, feel free to explore!" (Y/n) said, taking off his shoes and putting on a pair of baby blue slippers . I was inclined to follow him when I realized: he basically gave me permission to snoop.
"I'll join you in a sec (Y/n)!" I don't exactly wear shoes unless it's raining, so I just slipped into a pair of purple house slippers that were by the door. The kitchen is to the right, so I went to the left.
It was the bathroom. I stepped onto the marble tiles, inhaling the fairly strong smell of rosemary coming from a diffuser. The toilet was solid gold, accompanied by the softest toilet paper that was ever manufactured. I left feeling rather satisfied.
I was prepared to inspect every room he has, but there was one place I needed to see. I managed to find it on the top floor, his name engraved in the center door. I blushed just thinking about going into his bedroom. I shakily turned the knob and entered.
"Wow..." it was like a ballroom in those princess movies! Rococo furniture (the whole collection might I add) was placed neatly around the room. There were a few pictures of the residents, some I could actually name! Marshall, Beau, Merengue... but mostly of animals I didn't recognize.
Slowly, I walked towards his bedside table. He said you could explore Isabelle... He said I could explore... He said...

I opened it.

I was rather disappointed. There was just a bunch of clothes. Like a normal person would have. What's wrong with me? Somewhat bothered, I looked up from his drawer and noticed another resident photo.
"Rosie?" I picked it up, confused as to why she was away from all the others. I turned it over, the back just had her birthday and her favorite saying. Near the bottom of the frame had the words 'Best Buds!' engraved into it. I placed it back on the dresser, smiling. I'm glad (Y/n) has made friends with the townsfolk.
"Belle? Whatcha doooing~?" My whole body sort of paused. I turned to face him, slowly, like a robot. He looked sly, yet harmless.
"... Exploring...?" He simply stared me dead in the eyes, creepily. I glanced away for a moment, clearly showing my discomfort.
"Looks like snooping if you ask me." He crossed his arms and leaned closer.
"Uhm... well I... look I didn't mean-"
"Pfffttt! I'm just messin' with ya! You're too serious." He chirped, ruffling my golden fur.
"I am not! You're just too good at acting." This just made him start laughing.
"Why thank you, Mademoiselle~" he bowed. "Now then, I've finished cooking so you can come down." I nodded and followed him back to the kitchen.
I've always pictured (Y/n) as handy, but I never thought of him being a chef.
"He we are..." he said whist placing a bowl of soup in front of me. I couldn't tell what kind it was exactly, but it smelled delicious. "There's a bread box over there if you want any by the way."
"Oh! Thank you so much (Y/n)." He began eating, but I couldn't bring myself to. There's something I have to do first.
"Uhh... (Y/n)?" This is the perfect opportunity to ask him out without it seeming like a real date. Even though it's a simple request, I feel somewhat paralyzed.
     "I... I'll be hosting the fireworks show tonight... do you m-maybe want to... watch them with me? I'll be out all night and I could use the company." I asked, crossing my paws behind my back. (Y/n) smiled, making my heart flutter.
     "Sure, it'll be fun!" He agreed. A huge wave of relief washed over me.
     "Great!" I let myself relax and started to eat as well. "Whoa, (Y/n) where'd you learn to cook like this?" He thought for awhile.
     "I dunno..."

Time Skip

     The vibrant gunpowder bursted before us, enchanting the crowd. (Y/n) had set up a blanket for us in the plaza so we could admire in warmth. As secretary, I had to stay up and pass out firework fountains and boppers. There'd be an explosion of dazzling light every few seconds. Green, blue, pink, even yellow. They brightened the night sky, giving you a sense of safety.
     When I'd been reduced to one firework fountain, I made my way back to (Y/n).
     "Good work out there champ." He said, scooting so I could sit next to him.
     "Here, I saved one for you..." I passed him the last firework fountain.
     "Awesome! You're the best." He accepted it and placed it on the ground. Immediately, a thin wall of scarlet sparks shot into the air. He watched in awe. Without thinking, I slid my paw over his hand. His eyes met mine and my swear my heartbeat was ringing in my ears. But I forgot that (Y/n) doesn't see me in the way that I want him too. All he did was give me a friendly smile, then gave his attention back to the fireworks.

Authors Note
Sup... (ErRoR AuThOr CaNt InTrO)
Was this chapter okay? I feel like I could've done way better.
I only had the fireworks scene planned out so I made up the "(Y/n)'a house thing"
The next chappie will be better
:3 Luv you guys~ baiii

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