Leo finishing the demigods' sentences

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Nico: I think I should-
Leo: Wear a grass skirt and do a cha cha like a sissy girl?
Nico: *glares*
Frank: I wish that-
Leo: I would be awesome like Leo Mcshizzle Bad Boy Supreme Valdez?
Frank: -______-
Piper: Someday, I will-
Leo: Join Team Leo?
Piper: No way, Leo!
Percy: Hey Annabeth, can we go-
Leo: crazy and be sent to a mental hospital?
Percy: LEO!
Annabeth: Hey mom can you give me-
Leo: A billion Skittles and get some healthy benefits like diabetes?
Annabeth: No way!
Hazel: Who's-
Leo: *sings* That Sexy Thing I see over there? That's Leo! The boy that is on fire!
Hazel: *blushes* No!!! Who's Socks are these?
Jason: I believe-
Leo: *sings* I can fall, I believe I can touch the ground...
Jason: Um Leo, what do you mean?
Leo: Aren't you blonde Superman? So you believe that you will not fly! Simple.
Jason: *face palm*
Leo: Hey guys, maybe we should-
Annabeth: *cringes*
Leo: Annabeth! Guys, I think we must-
Piper: * giggles*
Leo: Piper! Stop giggling! Anyway, I think-
Percy: That you're not awesome and you think you're a talking pig about to be roasted?
Leo: *glares* No, Its that-
Frank: You think I'm sexy too?
The Seven: *ROTFL*
Leo: No! It's that I must-
Nico: Killed so you will stop talking?
The Seven : Run Away Leo! Run!
Leo: What do you mean? What do you mean I should Ru-
*saw Nico going towards him carrying his sword then runs away*

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