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•surprise, surprise•

"In other news, the rumors are true, Amelia Evans has officially left the cast of Stranger Things," Nancy O'Dell of Entertainment Tonight chirped from the tv set.

Millie Bobby Brown fell off her bed.

"Millie, honey, are you ok?" Mrs. Brown called up to Millie's room after a loud thud was heard from the first floor.

"Uh, yeah, yeah. I'm ok mom," Millie responded in a daze.

She stood up and opened Instagram on her phone. Her feed was overflowing with posts from fan accounts that she followed broadcasting the news. Millie took a deep breath. She was in shock. Amelia Evans, Millie's favorite actress and current idol, had quit her favorite show.

A sudden FaceTime call from her friend Cece shook Millie from her thoughts.

"Did you hear the news?!" Cece yelled into her phone once Millie picked up.

"Of course I did, I can't believe it ugh!" Millie replied as she flopped down onto her bed.

"What is the cast going to do, they've lost such a nice girl!" Cece questioned.

"I don't know, they seem to get along pretty well though, I wouldn't worry," Millie answered.

"You should totally audition to be the new Eleven," Cece said with a smirk.

"I don't think so, I would miss you guys here in Florida too much," Millie said with a smile.

"But Mills, you're amazing at acting!" Cece protested.

"I guess, but I don't think fame is really right for me," Millie responded. In all honesty, she would love to be famous, she just wasn't sure if she was ready for the shift in lifestyle. From what she'd heard from interviews, it takes a little getting used to.

"Ok if you say so," Cece sighed. "At least ask Finn about it when we meet him please?"

"Fine, to be honest with all this drama, I almost forgot that we're meeting him next week!" Millie giggled.

"How?! It's all you've been talking about for the past two months!" Cece laughed.

"Millie! Dinner!" Mrs. Brown called from the kitchen.

"Coming mom!" Millie yelled back.

"Cece, I have to go. I'll call you later, byeeeee," Millie spoke quickly into the camera on her phone.

"Ok, byeeeee," Cece replied with a wave and ended the call.

As Millie left her room and walked downstairs to the kitchen, the events of earlier crowded her head. She thought of the cast and crew and how stressed this must be making them.

She wondered aloud, "What are they going to do?"

heyo i'm back sorry i took so long to update! and that this chapter is so short agh. and that this seems kinda rushed. i just wanna get all the details in before i get the story going. i'll try to write more quickly so that this story can get going. as you can see millie and cece are going to meet finn at a comic con... as for the rest of the cast, are they all really as nice as millie and cece say they are? well the only way to find out is for me to write more so... i'll go do that. soon. ish. ok yeah have a good night/day/morning/evening byee!

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