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•controlled chaos•

Sadie almost fell over as Gaten pushed past her laughing loudly, followed by Finn, Caleb, and Noah.

"Hey watch it!"Sadie yelled to the four boys.

"And why should we?" Gaten yelled back. The boys continued to yell, laugh, and annoy the heck out of Sadie.

"Come on Sadie, we're just having fun," Noah told her with a playful shove as he hurried to catch up to the others.

The boys chased each other around tables, through set pieces, and even knocked over a few chairs. Sadie covered her ears in annoyance to block out the noise.

"You guys made a huge mess!" Sadie called after them.

"You know what guys, maybe she's right, let's get back to running lines," Caleb remarked looking at the mess they had left behind them.

"Fine by me," Finn replied, and quickly pulled out his phone.

The kids sat on the side of the set and began to read their scripts for the upcoming takes.

"I say we start on page 47," Caleb suggested. He was normally the one who took charge when the kids read scripts.

"Oh, I was thinking we could start on page 11," Gaten replied.

"Yeah, but wouldn't page 47 be better to start with because it's where we all have lines?" Caleb countered.

"We all have lines on page 11 too, Noah back me up here," Gaten shot back.

"Well, this is awkward because I wanted to start on page 52," Noah added.

"Ok, fine. Finn where do you want to start?" Caleb sighed.

"I don't really care, we can start wherever," Finn said looking up from his phone.

"Really?" Gaten asked.

"Come on, I don't want to start a fight, can't we just start from the beginning?" Sadie asked.

"That sounds like a great idea! Glad to see you kids are finally getting along," Matt Duffer added as he walked by, as he had only heard the end of the argument.

Sadie rolled her eyes after Matt walked away.

It was true, the younger members of the cast didn't always get along. There were at least two arguments every day, voices were almost always being raised, and yet they were still able to seem like best friends for interviews. It really showed how great of actors they were.

It was worse when Amelia was on set. Her complaints put everyone on edge. Now that she was gone, it almost seemed like the kids argued to fill the silence.


Shooting was over for the day and the kids were heading home when Ross stopped them.

"Remember that we're going to be looking for a new Eleven very soon, so I hope you guys can get your act together before we meet whoever she is," Ross told the group. "Oh and Finn, don't forget you have a meet and greet in Orlando tomorrow!"

"How could I forget?" Finn replied.

"Of course, and I really want you kids to get to know each other and try to tolerate each other," Ross laughed. "Ok, that's all I've got. See you tomorrow, and Finn see you next week!"

"Bye!" the kids shouted in almost unison as they each walked to their respective cars.

Hopefully the kids would learn to get along. Maybe they just needed a good influence.

hey what's up? i hope this chapter was ok i was trying to make it seem chaotic? eh it's my first story first stories are always awkward... anyway so now we see how the kids act on set. try to pay close attention to the little things that each character does, that may come up later. i'm trying to write a lot in the future and update every week so we'll see how that goes. please let me know if you liked this or if there's anything that might make my writing better! bye!

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