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•helping hand•

All too soon it was 6:00 and the cast was done for the day. The kids said their goodbyes to the older cast members, the crew, and Millie as they walked back to their trailers. The others split off in different directions to their respective trailers and left Millie to find her own. The only problem? They all looked exactly the same. Millie walked up and down the lot wondering why she couldn't find the place she was in literally two hours ago.
After about five minutes she called out for some help.

"Guys are you there?" Millie's words echoed across the large open area. "Hello?"

Thankfully, a voice gave her an answer.

"Millie?" Caleb called. "What's wrong?"

Millie's worried expression melted into a smile as she say Caleb walking towards her from in between two trailers.

"I -uh- can't find my trailer," Millie sheepishly replied.

"Oh! I thought something bad had happened!" Caleb laughed. "That's no problem at all, follow me."

"Thank you so much. I feel kinda bad that you have to help me," Millie admitted.

"It's fine, promise," Caleb said as he nudged Millie's shoulder. "The guys say I'm like the mom friend, even though I'm a guy, so maybe the dad friend? Anyway, I'll always be here to help if you need it."

Millie laughed. The two walked a few trailers down until finally, they reached a trailer with Millie's name on the door.

"I seriously can't believe I didn't see that when I walked past," Millie said as she held her head in her hands.

"I'm just glad I had the windows open so that I heard you when you asked us if we were still here," Caleb laughed.

"Thanks again Caleb," Millie smiled.

"Oh and before I forget, can I see your phone? We have to put you in the cast group chat. That way if you get lost, you don't have to yell for help again," Caleb said.

"Thanks!" Millie said. She waved to Caleb as he walked back to his trailer. "See you tomorrow!"

Millie walked into her trailer and sat down on a couch. She was then bombarded with notifications from "The Strangest Group Chat Ever" for the next three minutes. She smiled and replied to the many texts saying "HI MILLIE" "HEY MILLS" "heyyyyyy" "hi 😃😊" and other things. Soon, Millie got a call from her mom asking her to come outside as she was here to bring her back to the car. Millie packed up her things and walked with her mom to the car.

"So sweetie, how was your first day?" Mrs. Brown asked.

"Incredible. Fantastic. Amazing." Millie beamed.

"I'm glad to hear that!" Mrs. Brown ruffled Millie's hair.

The mother-daughter duo returned to their hotel room, ate some dinner in the dining area, and got ready for bed after a long, exciting day. Millie texted her dad, brother Charlie, and sister Paige (who told Millie that Ava said hi) about her day and how much she loved them. As Millie was getting ready to sleep, she noticed the time: 11:11. 'Make a wish.' she thought to herself. She went to sleep with a smile on her face.

surprise! two updates back to back??! yes! thank you so much for 200 reads oh my god ahhhhh! i really appreciate all the support you guys give me, your comments make my day. this chapter is dedicated to millie and caleb's friendship and how millie always refers to how caleb watches out for her like a big brother, which i think is adorable. please let me know what you think! i love you guys! 💓

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