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•best friends•

When the girls arrived on set, the boys were in the middle of filming a scene at the school. They were standing in the science room where El disappeared and their characters were having a heated argument.

"They're really good actors considering how well they get along off camera," Millie whispered.

"If I'm being honest, I'm not sure all of that anger is acting," Sadie replied.

"Do they really not like each other?" Millie asked in disbelief.

"No no, they're like brothers, and I think that's the problem. They spend so much time together, they need someone to give them a break from each other," Sadie explained.

"Huh," Millie said.

"CUT!" one of the Duffers yelled.

The boys came running off set to greet Millie and Sadie, their expressions of fake anger melting away to smiles. It was as if the cast was already family, they made Millie feel so welcomed and thankful that her life has led her to this point.

"Okay, I need everyone except Noah on set A in five please!" Matt announced.

The rest of the kids gave quick waves and Sadie gave a hug to Millie as they jogged past to get to their set on time, leaving Millie with the youngest of the kids.

"So," Millie began. "What's it like being the Will Byers?"

"It's incredible, honestly," Noah replied beaming. "I'm so thankful to be here. And to have you here too! The cast and crew, we're like family, I think you'll really enjoy working with them."

"Thanks Noah. I'm really thankful to be here too. It feels like only yesterday I was watching season one and now I'm on set for season two!" Millie gushed.

"Well now that you're here, you can at least look around, you don't have to stand here like a statue, we don't bite!" Noah laughed.

Noah began walking around set, showing Millie the different set pieces and props. The two walked as far as Mike's basement where Millie broke into a smile so big that Noah couldn't help but laugh.

"And here's El's tent, though we're taking it down soon because you're getting your own room!" Noah explained.

"It's real! It's.. mine! Well you know not really because it's my character's and all, but technically I guess it is but, yeah," Millie rambled in excitement.

"It's all yours. Look! Here's your wig! Though you don't need it anymore because your hair has grown," Noah said as he picked up El's blonde wig and gestured to Millie's short brown hair.

Millie took the wig and hugged it out of excitement, then blushed because she realized how much of a fangirl she was being. She began to look around the basement more and stumbled upon Dungeons and Dragons.

"Oh I almost forgot about that!" Noah exclaimed. "We've gotta teach you how to play, it's part of the welcome to the cast!"

"Looking forward to it!" Millie smiled.

The two hit it off instantly and continued to walk around different sets as they talked and laughed about the randomest things.

"I'm really glad you're here Mills. We were really worried about the show for a while," Noah said out of the blue. "Wait Mills, is that okay? I just said it cause I heard Sadie say it."

"Of course, it's not like you're not allowed to, uh, Schnipper," Millie teased, pausing to think of a nickname for Noah.

"Huh, Schipper, interesting," Noah replied.

The pair burst out laughing and continued their conversation from before.

hiiii. i have officially finished parcc testing wooo! now all i have is an algebra final and a spanish final next month before i graduate (well technically it's a promotion but) yay no stress at all!1!1!1 i'm gonna try my best to finish this story, or at least finish writing it so i can update before june comes because i'm gonna get really busy with end of the year stuff... this chapter is in appreciation for millie and noah's best-friendship cause it's so cute! i really hope that they're best friends for a very long time. please let me know what you thought! i love you guys! 💓

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