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•meet up•

Millie shot up out of bed as soon as the sun shone through her curtains. Today was the day she would meet Finn. She quickly got dressed in a Stranger Things tee and some denim shorts. She put on some concealer and mascara and ran downstairs.

"It's today! It's today! It's today!" Millie exclaimed to anyone who would listen.

"Hey Ava guess what today is?" Millie asked her younger sister.

"It's the day you meet Finn, we know," Ava whined in response.

"I'm just so excited!" Millie yelled.

She quickly ate some cereal and ran to the front hall closet to get her black converse. She then brushed her teeth and grabbed her phone and wallet from upstairs.

"Mom, I'm getting in the car!" Millie called from the front door.

"Okay honey I won't be much longer!" Mrs. Brown replied.

Once in the car, Millie checked social media and spammed Cece with texts saying 'ITS TODAY ITS TODAY ITS TODAY', to which Cece responded with 'AHHHHH'.
After a few minutes, Millie's mom got in the car.

"Ready?" Mrs. Brown asked her daughter.

"Heck yeah let's do this," Millie replied happily.


Millie stepped into the convention center and was greeted by hoards of people in costume, security guards, and crazed fans. Mrs. Brown offered her hand to Millie and she took it. Together the mother-daughter duo walked towards the bag check and ticket booth. "Hi there, welcome to the Wizard World Comic Con! And who are you here to see today?" the lady at the front desk asked cheerily.

"My daughter is here to see Finn Wolfhard. She's very excited," Mrs. Brown replied with a laugh, squeezing Millie's hand.

"Mom, stop you're embarrassing me," Millie said and pulled her hand away.

"Anyway, here are the tickets," Mrs. Brown told the booth lady.

"Great, and here are you wristbands. I hope your time today is as enjoyable as possible!" the lady replied smiling.

Millie smiled up at her and put her wristband onto her right wrist.

"Oh, and I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but  because you look about Finn's age," the booth lady whispered to Millie.

Millie leaned up to the counter curiously.

"The Duffers told Finn to be on the lookout for anyone who could be the new Eleven, so if you've ever been interested in acting, mention it," the lady finished with a wink.

"Oh my gosh, really?!" Millie exclaimed. "Of course! Oh my gosh! Thank you!"

Millie ran off to follow her mother to get in line to meet Finn. It was already almost as long as the venue itself!

Minutes later, Millie was tapped on the shoulder. Confused, she turned around to see her best friend Cece smiling brightly. The two girls screamed, hugged, and began giggling like crazy people.

"I can't believe we're here!" Cece shouted.

"I know, me neither! Oh my gosh I'm gonna cry!" Millie laughed while wiping tears of laughter from her eyes.

"Okay, come on girls, we have to wait in line," Mrs. Brown said.

"Okay mom," Millie replied with an eye roll and stepped back into line.

At last the two girls were next in line. They could see that Finn was wearing his "Work hard Play hard Wolfhard" shirt as he smiled for a picture with a fan.

"Next in line!" a security guard announced.

"That's us!" Millie whisper-yelled to Cece.

"I know!" Cece replied squishing Millie in a side hug as the two walked towards Finn.

Millie took a deep breath and smiled.

"Hey guys, how are you?" Finn asked with a smile. He offered a hug to both girls.

"Just amazing, how are you?" Cece answered happily.

"I'm pretty good, and you?" Finn asked, gesturing to Millie, who was beginning to take short breaths because she was so excited.

"Uh, you ok?" Finn asked her.

"Millie!" Cece hit Millie's shoulder to snap her out of her trance.

"What? Oh. Yeah. I feel so lucky to be here, thank you," Millie told Finn.
"Sorry, she just can't concentrate around you. My friend here thinks you're hot," Cece said with a smirk as she nudged Millie in the side.

Millie turned to her and glared at her with an expression that could've rivaled Eleven's.

Finn was taken aback at how Millie had changed from shy to scary in a matter of seconds. He remembered the Duffers asking to be on the lookout for actresses. This girl might be alright.

"Hey, uh you haven't had any acting experience have you?" Finn asked Millie.

"Me? Well, I've been in a few school productions. Nothing big. I was a lead this past year, but it wasn't anything crazy," Millie rambled in response.

"Well, just in case, here's the Duffers' card, maybe you'd want to shoot them an email, we're looking for a new Eleven," Finn began, taking a small business card from his back pocket.

"Oh yeah we know, we were talking about it a few days ago, right Millie?" Cece replied smiling.

"Yeah, that would be amazing, thank you," Millie took the card from Finn's hand.

"So, Millie and Cece, we should probably take this picture before the guards yell at us," Finn laughed.

The two girls stood on either side of Finn and smiled for the picture.

"This was incredible, thank you!" Millie said to Finn.

"Yes, thanks so much! Keep up the good work!" Cece added.

"Maybe I'll here from you soon," Finn said with a wave.

The girls walked away from the photo booth and, as soon as they were out of earshot, began to jump up and down in a fit of giggles.

hi, ok first i'm sorry about not updating, and second i haven't been to a comic con yet (but i am meeting millie in june holy frick) so i have no idea how they work so... yeah. please leave some feedback if there's any tips you have, and requests, honestly even grammar or spelling corrections would be fine. thank you so much for reading this. i'll try to update on a more consistent schedule soon!

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