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•girl talk•

"So, what do you want?" Sadie asked as she waved her arm towards the shelf of snacks.

"What do you suggest? I'm ok with anything," Millie replied.

Sadie took a package of Oreos off the shelf and offered one to Millie.

"I don't really like Oreos, I'm sorry," Millie said.

"Really?!" Sadie exclaimed with a laugh. "They're pretty much the only snack I eat!"

"Why is that?" Millie asked.

"I'm a vegan, and fun fact, Oreos are vegan!" Sadie explained.

"Ooh that's cool!" Millie said as she scanned the shelf and picked out a bag of nacho cheese Doritos for herself.

"Yeah, I guess. It's normal for me now, I decided to try it almost a year ago," Sadie replied.

The girls walked back to Millie's trailer and sat down on the couches.

"So, girl talk, got any crushes?" Sadie asked with a wink.

"Well, no not really," Millie responded shyly. "What about you?"

"Well there was this one guy back when i lived in Texas but," Sadie trailed off. "Anyway, any celebrity crushes?"

"Ooh this one's easier," Millie laughed. "Romeo Beckham defiantly and uh, don't judge me on this,-"

"I won't, no matter how bad he is," Sadie giggled.

"It's Finn," Millie said quietly as a blush grew on her face. "He's kinda the whole reason I'm here, cause I went to go meet him."

"Ooooh, Millie's got a celebrity crush!" Sadie shouted.

"Shh!" Millie nudged Sadie in the side with a laugh. "And it's not like I wanna date him, he just, well you know how it is with celebrity crushes I assume."

"Yeah I understand. I won't tell him if you don't want me too," Sadie said.

"Yes that would save me a lot of embarrassment," Millie replied smiling.

Sadie took Millie's hand and gave it a squeeze.
"Welcome to the family," she said.

"I'm happy to be here," Millie replied.

Sadie took her hand away suddenly as her eyes sparkled with a new question for her new friend.
"About that British accent, can you do an American one?" Sadie questioned curiously.

"Well I guess we'll have to see won't we," Millie answered in a flawless American accent.

"Woah, how'd you do that so well?" Sadie asked amazed.

"Learned it from watching Disney Channel actually," Millie laughed.

The girls laughed and continued to talk about their favorite Disney shows, especially the old ones. When a lull in the conversation set in, Millie piped up with another question.

"You said there was a guy, back in Texas? Was he, like, your boyfriend" she asked slyly.

"Oh, uh, I guess? I don't know, I liked him a lot but, I never got to see how he felt about me," Sadie replied slowly.

"I'm sorry Sads," Millie put her arm around Sadie's shoulder. "Wait, it that okay? Sads?"

"It's perfect," Sadie laughed. "Thanks. Mills."

The girls shared another laugh when a casting assistant knocked on the trailer door.

"Hey Sadie, we need you on set. Millie, maybe one of the guys can show you around set?" she said.

"Sounds fun!" Millie exclaimed. "Let's go!"

Sadie grabbed Millie's arm and eagerly pulled her to the door labeled "Set 2".

"I'm so glad you're here Mills!" Sadie said.

"Me too Sads!" Millie replied.

hello beautiful people how are you? first off, thank you so much for 160 reads like what?! ahhh! here's a cute chapter for all you sillie fans out there, even though i don't ship it, i love millie and sadie's friendship very much. thank you for all the support so far and keep reading and writing and doing what makes you happy. see you in the next update!

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