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•fandom drama•

pretty long a/n at the end just a forewarning.. also watch out for the references

After shooting was over for the day, Millie went to check her phone. She jumped in surprise at how many notifications she had. Tons of fan accounts had tagged her in a post? There were tons of comments on her post tagging Finn.

fimiliastuff: move over #fimilia it's #fillie now! im changing my name to filliestuff lol

That was what the majority of the comments consisted of. Others were gushing about how cute the cast was together, but '#fillie' took up most of the space. Confused, Millie walked over to Finn's trailer.

"Hey Finn?" Millie knocked on the door.

"Hey Mills, what's up?" Finn said with a smile.

"Uh, what's, uh, fillie?" Millie questioned. Her eyebrows were furrowed in confusion.

Finn's face immediately fell. "Oh god, they've started already?"

"What do you mean?" Millie asked.

"Come sit," Finn waved his arm towards a couch.

The two sat down and Finn opened up Instagram on his phone.

"You love the show, I'm sure you followed fan accounts?" Finn implored, not looking up from the explore page.

"Oh, uh yeah, but I was kinda just a fan back then so," Millie trailed off.

"That's fine, it's ok," Finn laughed. "But what's not ok, is this."

Finn handed his phone to Millie and here face lit up with a smile. In the search bar was '#fimelia'. Millie scrolled through pictures and video edits and laughed. She had even followed some of these people on her own fan account.

"You know, the fandom really wanted you and Amelia to get together when she was still on the show. I don't see what the problem is with fimilia," Millie smiled with nostalgia, as if Amelia hadn't only left the show a few weeks ago.

Millie looked up to give Finn his phone back with a smile, but her face fell when her eyes met Finn's solemn expression.

"It's not all fun and games, Millie," Finn explained. "We never dated, we were never going to date, honestly Amelia was really annoying and in it for the money. The fans only made it worse. Luckily, it never got to the tabloids."

"Oh. I never would have thought that," Millie mused.

"Even after all the livestreams where we told you guys to stop because we weren't kidding?" Finn asked. He looked almost hurt.

Millie frowned. "I'm sorry Finn, it's just when you know the cast doesn't know you exist I guess it's easier to think that it doesn't affect them."

"It's ok, honestly sometimes it makes me laugh. There's a lot of talented fans out there. Editors, singers, artists, writers, I'm glad our fandom has this much art in it, it's just some can be a little touchy," Finn smiled.

"Wait, so why'd you go on a whole rant about fimilia when I'm asking about fillie?" Millie asked.

"Just to warn you that since you're taking the place of Amelia, you're going to be subjected to this too," Finn replied.

"I'm sure it's not that bad. And hey, if we can make a good on screen couple, maybe we could make a good off screen couple, you never know," Millie teased.

"Uh, I'm not sure," Finn began.

"Kidding, kidding! Like Noah said to me a few days ago, we're like family, you can't date your brother," Millie giggled.

"Yeah, that's true," Finn said. He glanced at his phone to check the time. "Oh, I gotta go."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow," Millie replied.

The two embraced in a friendly hug and when they parted, Millie began to walk to the door. She had one foot out when she turned to Finn and smiled.

"Hey, thanks for looking out for me Finnie," Millie said with a wink. She knew how annoyed he got when the guys called him that.

"No prob Mills," Finn said with a wave and a smirk.

When Millie got back to her hotel that night she logged into her fan account that she had made before getting on the show. It went by the name of 'stismyfavorite' and she hated to admit it, but maybe she had been part of the 'problematic side' of the fandom. Millie sighed and hit the log out button of her fan account that she had spent pretty much all of her life on. She wasn't deleting it, just logging out for a while.. It was bittersweet to let go of how she got into the fandom but she kinda was the fandom now it seemed.

Just for kicks, Millie ended her night by looking through the fillie hashtag. Already there were pictures of Millie and Finn photo shopped together. Plot twist edits of Amelia to Millie. In progress drawings of Millie.

Finn was right.

hey y'all what's up. i feel like i haven't updated in forever, have i really not updated in a while? i'm sorry if that's true agh. i loved writing this chapter cause i got to throw shade at the fandom haha. ok but real talk, talking about fillie is like talking about politics, everyone has an opinion and some are more opinionated than others.. for me, i say do what you want but if someone in the cast thinks you've gone too far then tone it down. and don't go at other people's throats. we're a family. and yes families don't have to all agree but at least be respectful about it please. honestly, i like the idea of fillie, i love finn, i love millie, i love the cast. it shouldn't have to be more complicated than that. we don't need to attack each other over opinions.

anyway, back to book stuff, spoiler: one chapter left of the book.. i really enjoyed writing this but the plot isn't really going anywhere so... yeah. i also wanted to thank you guys for 300 reads!!! ahhh!!! again, i really really appreciate everything. which brings me to my final point. in honor of 300 reads i've decided to put out a teaser (i guess you could call it) of my next story! i'm really excited for it, and the first chapter will be up as soon as this book is over. let me know what you think! i love you guys so so so much, byeee!

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