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•messing around•

Millie woke up the next day energized and nervous. She was ready for another day on set with her new friends. She sent a quick text to the group chat now renamed "THE COOLEST OF STRANGER THINGS".

millie: hey guys, can't wait to see you all!

sadie: mills! can't wait to see you either! 💓

finn: hey millie! can't wait to work with you today!

caleb: don't get lost again 😉

noah: hopefully we can teach you how to play d&d!

gaten: don't forget the chocolate pudding!

sadie: really gaten? 😂

gaten: what? i actually do like it in real life.

finn: i gtg guys see you on set

noah: byeeee

caleb: bye 👋🏼

gaten: bye everyone

sadie: bye guys 💕

millie: bye!

After getting dressed, Millie and her mom ate breakfast. They then drove to the set where Millie was bombarded by a bear hug from Gaten.

"MILLIEEE!" Gaten yelled excitedly.

"I haven't seen you in a day it's been so long!" Millie laughed, her voice laced with playful sarcasm.

"I see you've made friends already?" Mrs. Brown smiled.

"Gaten Matarazzo, nice to meet you," Gaten stuck out his hand to shake Mrs. Brown's.

"Millie, you've got polite cast mates! That's some boyfriend material," Mrs. Brown winked.

"Mom!" Millie blushed.

"Yeah, Millie's not dating anyone, were like family, that'd be a little weird," Gaten stated, unphased by Millie's mother's comment.

"I don't want to date anyone anyway and uh, ok look! The Duffers are calling for me, bye mom love you!" Millie responded quickly. She gave her mom a hug and walked quickly to her trailer.

Gaten looked at Mrs. Brown and shrugged.

"Well it was nice meeting you Mrs. Brown, bye!" Gaten ran off to follow Millie.

Millie squealed when she suddenly felt an extra weight on her shoulders. She turned around and elbowed Gaten in the side.

"You scared me!" Millie yelled.

"It was just a joke Millie, promise," Gaten apologized.

"It's fine," Millie smiled. She slowed her stride and stopped to ask a question that had been bugging her since she heard her mom talk about it. "What you said to my mom back there, why?"

"Well it's true, we're like brothers and sisters, we look out for each other," Gaten replied.

"Aw that's sweet," Millie smiled.

After walking to Millie's trailer, Gaten stopped short in the doorway, making Millie walk straight into him.

"Can you stop doing that?" Millie giggled.

"I just had an idea," Gaten exclaimed.

"Go," Millie replied.

"We prank the others!" Gaten proposed. "We can hide in the food trailer, that's where we all go first thing. There's this table that's covered by a tablecloth, we can both hide under it."

"Uh are you sure about this? What if they get mad?" Millie asked.

"Trust me, I've done this before, once they realize it's a prank everyone laughs," Gaten reassured her. "You can film it if you don't wanna be part of it."

"Sure!" Millie replied.

The two ran to the food trailer and got into their spots, Gaten and Millie both under the table. Gaten had his hand ready to grab an unsuspecting cast member by the ankle and Millie had her phone poised to take the perfect video.
Soon enough, the door burst open and four voices could be heard. One walked near the table and their first target arrived, Caleb.
Millie started to take the video just as Gaten reached out his hand to grab Caleb's ankle. Caleb jumped about a foot in the air and let out a high pitched scream that Millie had never heard before. Both Millie and Gaten stifled a laughs as the other kids came running over to Caleb asking if he was ok.

"Something grabbed my leg and I don't know what it was!" Caleb exclaimed.

"It's the thessylhydra!" Noah shrieked with fake terror.

"We're all gonna die!" Sadie shouted and put a hand over her heart as if she were dying.

"I think I might know what the real cause of this was," Finn said.

Slowly, he lifted the tablecloth to reveal Millie and Gaten, red in the face from holding back laughter, staring up at the kids sheepishly.

"Called it," Finn announced with a defiant smirk.

"Okay okay you caught us," Gaten confessed.

He and Millie climbed out from under the table with their hands in the air.

"You have to admit that was pretty funny though," Millie chuckled.

"I guess," Caleb retorted, but then smiled.

"The best part was when Caleb screamed, we were all so scared!" Sadie laughed.

"And it's all on video!" Millie waved her phone in the air. "Oh! Before we go on set, I'm gonna be that person, but can we take a picture together? Cause we didn't get one the first day we met."

"Of course! Selfie!" Sadie exclaimed and held Millie's phone in the air.

Millie stood squished in between Sadie and Finn, with Noah in front of them and Gaten and Caleb behind. After the picture was taken Millie posted it (with permission from the Duffers as she wasn't revealing any "on set secrets") to her Instagram.

"stranger things are happening with them 💓"

was the caption.

hey people! this is a pretty long chapter (well compared to others i've written) and i'm proud of myself! it's bittersweet for me to say but there's only about three chapters left in this book! the amount of support i've gotten is incredible so thank you so much for that! maybe, i'll release the first chapter for my next book soon... but hey you never know. please let me know what you think! love you guys!

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