thirteen - epilouge

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•suddenly famous•

~1 year later~

Millie held the two heavy golden popcorn awards tightly in her lap. The limousine drove through the late night LA traffic on its way to the Netflix after party. The MTV awards had been a dream. Millie stared out the window and got lost in her thoughts.

She thought about how smoothly the rest of season two was filmed. She thought of inside jokes with the cast. She thought of the premier of season two. Of meet and greets with fans. Of award shows and after parties.

Of the moment she accepted her first award at thirteen years old.

Millie let her vision cloud as tears of joy and gratitude brimmed in her eyes for the fifth time that night. She smiled to herself and continued watching the bright lights of LA pass by her window.

When the car stopped at the hotel, Millie hopped out quickly and ran to the rest of the cast. They were all still shaken from their win earlier that night and Millie could see their eyes were glistening in the bright lights.

Millie was suddenly engulfed in a group hug from the kids, the teens, the adults, family members, and anyone else who was on the show. Soon enough, they were all crying again. The amount of gratitude they felt for this show was unexplainable.

"Thank you guys so much, for everything," Millie smiled. "I wouldn't be here without you."

"No thank you Millie, without you, our show wouldn't be here," Finn replied.

The cast parted and went inside the hotel for the after party. Music blared from huge speakers near a large dance floor where many were already dancing their hearts out. There were all types of food and drinks.

Millie dragged the boys over to a table and sat down. She said with a laugh that she needed a minute to "compose herself". The boys obliged and sat down with her. They engaged in a long conversation (more like a debate) about the strangest things like fidget spinners and Clif bars, both of which Noah stood strongly for.

Their laughter could be heard even over the loud music and anyone could tell that this cast was meant to be.

"Guys, let's go dance!" Millie shouted.

The kids ran to the dance floor and jumped to the music. They maravalled at Caleb's dance skills and laughed with Finn at the fact that he couldn't dance for his life.

By the end of the night, the kids wee exhausted but happier than they had ever been. Stranger Things was their home. And they would miss it dearly, at least until they got renewed for a season three.

The kids gave each other their final goodbyes, some tears were shed. Millie got into the car with her older sister Paige. Paige reached her hand over to Millie and gave it a squeeze.

"I'm beyond proud of you Mills," she said.

"Thank you Paige, I love you," Millie smiled.

On the ride home, Millie thought to text Cece, since they hadn't really talked since the premiere of season two.




millie: aww i love you cece i miss youuu

cece: i miss you too mills

millie: am i dreaming?

cece: no! i saw you, ON FREAKING LIVE TV WTF

millie: oh yeah!

cece: i feel like a proud mom

cece: i am a proud mom

cece: i'm proud of you daughter

millie: why thank you mother i love you very much

cece: me as well daughter

cece: now i must go as there is this thing called school that you don't really go to anymore..

millie: i still do go to school, just at home 😂

cece: still

millie: i love you sosososo much i'll ft you tomorrow 💕💕

cece: love you see you soon 💓💓

Millie got to her hotel with a smile on her face as she got to her room and got ready for bed. She had come so far it was hard to believe that a year ago she was a fan meeting Finn for the first time. It was really him who helped her get where she was now.

Suddenly, Millie had an idea.

Quickly she got her phone and typed up a quick dm before she went to sleep.

chat to ameliaevans_

milliebobbybrown: how do i say "thanks for quitting" in a nice way? 😂 anyway, thanks for everything. i really don't see why you left, i love it here on st, but.. it is what it is. good luck on future projects!

Closing her eyes with a smile, Millie thought back to the day she heard Amelia quit.

"I guess they figured out what to do," she thought.

~fin~ (for real)

OH MY GOD I WROTE A BOOK. i just want to give a hugeeee thank you to everyone who supported this book. i love you all so so so much you don't even know. i'm sorry this is late i just couldn't bring myself to finish this.. also shoutout to kaley, madds, and bethany idk if any of them read this story but they're some of the people whose writing inspired me to write my own book so thank you to them. again thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking time out of your day to read this. it really makes me beyond happy. love you all 💕💕

(shameless self promo: check out my new book! updates soon!)

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