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•on set•

"ELEVEN?" Mike's scream was almost a plea as it echoed into the darkness.

Mike continued to trudge through the mutilated slime covering the ground of the Upside Down. His only light source being a tiny beam of light coming from his three year old flashlight. It was getting hard to breath, to see, to do pretty much anything. Mike looked around frantically. His hair hit him in the side of his head every time he turned it. He had no idea what kind of creatures lurked in here. For the most part, he didn't care. He wanted El.

Suddenly, a twig snapped.

"Wh-who's there?" Mike whispered, whirling around and shining his flashlight into the gunk.

"Mike?" a small voice questioned.


Mike took a few steps closer to the voice.


Mike's flashlight beam travelled up from the ground to reveal a small girl limping towards him. Eleven stepped out from the shadows looking weak and frail. Her pink dress was torn and faded. Her hair was no longer buzzed to her scalp, but almost down to her ears. Both broke into mile wide smiles as Eleven ran into Mike's open arms.

"Eleven, oh my gosh I thought you were dead. I missed you so much. I-I love you," Mike rambled as tears of joy brimmed in his chocolate brown eyes.

"Love?" El asked, confusion clouding her ecstatic expression.

"Love. It's when you like someone, but even more than a friend. When you love someone you protect them with your life because you don't ever want to lose them. And if you do, you do whatever it takes to get them back," Mike explained as his cheeks took on a light pink hue.

"Oh. Then maybe I-I love you too, Mike," Eleven replied with a small smile.

Mike smiled bigger than he had ever smiled in his entire life. The two embraced in an enormous, loving hug. They smiled with tears running down their cheeks, grasping each other's waists and backs as if the world was going to end. When the two young lovers parted, Mike grabbed El's hand and began guiding her back to where he entered the upside down.

She was weak, and stumbled a few times, but Mike kept encouraging her to keep going and how she was safe now. They arrived at a tree with a large hole in it that was covered in spider webs of slime. On the other side it was possible to hear desperate voices calling Mike's name. They knew he was nearby and wanted to know if he was safe.

Reluctantly, Mike stuck his free hand into the goo and hoped for the best. Thankfully, his hand caught someone else's and Mike and Eleven disappeared into the tree.

"CUT!" Ross yelled. "That was absolute PERFECTION!"

Finn and Millie emerged from behind a tree prop beaming. They ran to the other boys and Sadie and gave them all hugs.

"Millie, I'm so proud of you!" Sadie exclaimed.

"Thank you Sads," Millie replied. "But I couldn't have done it without my favorite cast mate." She nodded towards Finn.

"Hey!" Sadie protested with a smile.

"I'm kidding," Millie laughed. "I love you all."

Finn smiled at Millie and the rest of the cast. The group was then approached by Matt and Ross, who congratulated all of the cast on Millie's first time acting on set. Millie couldn't stop smiling and neither could anyone else.

"Thank you guys so much for being here for me," Millie said.

"Thank you for being an amazing actress!" Caleb replied.

"Yeah Mills, thanks for bringing us together," Sadie added.

"And for helping us out," Finn said.

"And for being a good friend!" Noah chimed in.

"Oh my god you guys are gonna make me cry," Millie laughed as tears brimmed in her eyes.

Millie walked over to the Duffers and shook their hands.

"Thank you for giving me this amazing opportunity and I'm so beyond excited to be working with you," Millie said.

"It's a pleasure to be working with you Millie," Matt replied with a smile.

"We're very excited to see more of your work in the future," Ross added.

The Duffers walked away and Millie went back to the kids, who were now talking with Natalia, Charlie, Steve, Winona, and David.

"Okay, everyone ready for scene two?!" Ross shouted to the people on set.


epilogue and super long authors note (sorry not sorry) coming in a few days..
short & sweet. does this scene seem familiar? it was the opening of chapter one! i had the idea to revamp it and i've been really excited to share it with you! thank you for everything i love you guys 💕

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