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•new girl•

Millie stood with her hands clasped behind her back. She was rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet as she listened to the Duffers address the cast.

"This is Millie Bobby Brown, she is going to be the new Eleven! Kids, can you show her to her dressing room please?" Matt told the group.

"Okay!" Sadie exclaimed as she ran over, grabbed Millie's wrist, and pulled her to a lot with many trailers. "Hi, my name is Sadie, Sadie Sink. I'm from Texas. I'll be playing Max. It's so nice to meet you! I finally have another girl on set thank goodness!" Sadie rambled to Millie with a hint of a Southern accent in her voice.

"Well, I think you already know I'm Millie," Millie laughed. "I'm from Florida but I lived in England before that and I was born in Spain."

"Woah, that's really cool!" Noah shouted to Millie as the boys caught up with her and Sadie. "I'm Noah Schnapp, I play Will."

"I know who you guys are don't worry," Millie giggled once they reached a trailer with the name 'Millie Bobby Brown' in bold letters on the door.

"Yeah, but we're still going to introduce ourselves!" Gaten replied. "I'm Gaten Materrazzo."

"I'm Caleb Mclaughlin, nice to meet you Millie," Caleb added.

"And I think you know who I am, nice to see you again Millie," Finn said offering Millie a hug.

"It's really great to finally meet you all," Millie replied with a smile.

The kids stepped into Millie's dressing room and Millie stood frozen in the doorway in awe. The trailer was just as she had imagined. There was a vanity for makeup, a clothing rack for costumes, a table for snacks, and two couches for relaxing in between takes.

"This is incredible," Millie whispered under her breath.

"Come on Millie, let's get to know you," Sadie said as she grabbed Millie's arm and told the boys to follow the girls to the couches. "We'll start with the basics, favorite color?"

"I like purple," Millie replied. "What about you?"

"I don't really have a favorite color," Noah said.

"Neither do I," Caleb and Gaten said at the same time.

"JINX! You owe me a Sprite!" Gaten yelled.

"I do not! You owe me a Sprite!" Caleb countered.

"I said jinx first!" Gaten added.

"Boys boys, calm yourselves," Sadie said, rolling her eyes.

"They're normally like this," Finn tells Millie quietly.

"Oh, how fun," Millie responds with a sarcastic laugh.

Millie glanced over to the boys who were now standing by the snack table yelling at each other about who was giving who a Sprite.

"You know, Finn wants a sponsorship from Sprite, isn't that right Finnie-," Noah began.

"And I'm gonna stop you right there," Finn cut in awkwardly.

"Finnie?" Millie asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it," Finn laughed and turned to get Gaten and Caleb to stop arguing.

Suddenly, the trailer door opened and a set assistant came into the room.

"I need all boys on set! Sadie, you stay here with Millie, help her get to know the set a little bit," The assistant announced.

"Bye Millie!" "See you guys later!" "Bye Millie and Sadie!" "Be back soon!" the boys bid the girls goodbye.

After they had left, there was a noticeable change in volume from before.

"Boys," Sadie said rolling her eyes.

"Tell me about it," Millie laughed.

"It's like this every day just forewarning you," Sadie replied.

"I think I'll be ok," Millie smiled. "Wanna get something to eat?"

"Sure," Sadie replied.

The girls left Millie's trailer and went to the another trailer labeled "Refreshments".

hola amigos... yeah that's about all i know in spanish (jk i take spanish in school but not the point) here's another update! the cast's relationship seems to be a little rocky? can millie fix that? on a separate note, is this story actually good though like does it seem to have a good storyline cause i'm not really sure. i always appreciate feedback so please be sure to tell me what you thought. **also another side note: LOOK AT THE PICTURE UP TOP MY BEAUTIFUL IDOLS BEING GORGEOUS THAT MADE MY DAY** i love you guys, i'll be updating soon💓💓

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