Part Two ~

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Violetta was still screaming because she didn't like the dream Leon was beside her.

Leon: Baby, shh I'm here. 

Violetta: You...were....with... Lara.

Leon: Shh, it's okay it was just a dream it's not really.

Violetta: I don't want it to be real, Leon. 

Leon: *Cuddles her* It won't I promise. 

Violetta: Really? 

Leon: Yeah, it was just a dream babe, it's not real. 

Violetta: *Holds him tightly* I don't want to wake up one day and see you with Lara. 

Leon: Hey, hey don't say that I don't want you thinking that way.

Violetta: But it's true Leon it's how I feel I don't want to find you kissing Lara.

Leon: It won't come real do you know why? 

Violetta: Why? 

Leon: Because I love you and nothing will change that. 

Violetta: I love you too Leon and I hope it doesn't change. 

Leon: It won't change because nothing will change us. 

Violetta: REALLY?
Leon: Yes, now go to sleep hmm otherwise you'll be tired tomorrow. 

Violetta: You're not going to leave, right? 

Leon: No, I'm here.

Violetta cuddled up to him and she fell asleep on his chest and Leon fell asleep on the pillow. 

After a while ~ 

Herman walked into vilu's bedroom and saw vilu on Leon's chest asleep and saw Leon's arms around her waist asleep. 

Herman: *Whispers* Leon? 

Leon: Hmm? 

Herman: I and Angie are going out and Ramallo and Olga have gone out for breakfast. 

Leon: Okay, bye. 

Herman left and Leon looked at the time and felt Violetta move in his arms. 

Leon: Morning, Beautiful. 

Violetta: Morning, Handsome. 

Leon: Did you sleep after? 

Violetta: Yeah, because I was on you. 

Violetta kissed him and he kissed back, and it was a proper make-out, Violetta rolled over him without breaking the kiss. 

Leon: *Pulls away* Baby, your family has gone out we have the house to ourselves. 

Violetta: We do? 

Leon: Yeah, babe. 

Violetta rolled off him and sat on the edge of the bed and Leon leaned over to her side and kissed her neck and moved her hair to one side. 

Leon: What's wrong? Hmm, tell me. 

Violetta: I don't know I guess that dream has frightened me. 

Leon: *Holds her waist* Baby, I promise you I'm not going anywhere you're not going lose me I will always be by your side. 

Violetta: But Leon I can't... 

Leon: Shh, baby just enjoy right now while I'm with you. *Kisses her earlobe* 

Violetta lifted her arms around his neck, but she was still facing backwards. 

Leon: *Pulls her down on the bed so he went between her legs* You're beautiful. 

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