Part Seven ~

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They went to Herman's house and Violetta was scared because she knew what was like, but she had to face him now or never.

Violetta: Leon, what if he doesn't give us our blessing. 

Leon: Then we will until he does but I won't leave you, Violetta. 

Violetta: *Holds his leg* Please, don't Leon. 

Leon: *Puts his hand on top of her hand* I'm here, I promise. 

Herman and Angie walked through the door and saw them sat on the sofa. 

Herman: Violetta? Leon? 

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Herman: Violetta? Leon? 

Violetta: Hi dad. 

Leon: Hey, Herman 

Herman: What you doing here? 

Leon: We have something to tell you? 

Angie: Then I'll leave.

Violetta: No, we want you to know as well. 

Herman: What?

Violetta: I and Leon are getting married on Saturday. 

Olga: *overhears the conversation* AHH!!! VIOLETTA YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED OH MY LITTLE DARLINGS ALL GROWN UP!!! *Hugs her and Leon* 

Herman: That's amazing news we have to celebrate. 

Angie: Congratulations, both of you. 

Olga: You are right about an engagement party. 

Herman: Yes, we need to celebrate this? 

Olga: I'm going to get cooking to invite everyone. 

Olga: RAMALLO YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT!!! *Walking to the kitchen* 

Violetta: Are you happy dad? 

Herman: Yes, my darling I'm very happy for you and Leon.

Violetta: Thanks, dad.

She hugged him and he hugged back.

She hugged him and he hugged back

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