Part Five ~

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Violetta woke up to a sleeping Leon, she went to the bathroom as she came back, she went in between his legs and kissed him to wake him.

Leon: *Morning voice* Morning, baby.

Violetta: Morning sexy morning voice.

Leon: Oh, yeah, well your sexy, baby.

Violetta: If am I sexier than Lara?

Leon: Baby, your sexier than any girl.

Violetta: Are you sure? You wouldn't rather Lara as your girlfriend?

Leon: No, baby, I want you as my girlfriend, not Lara.

Violetta: I'll understand since she's more beautiful than me.

Leon: Violetta, stop thinking like that, you're beautiful to me.

Violetta: I love you, Leon.

Leon: I love you too.

Violetta kissed him passionately and he pulled away.  

Leon: *Pulls away* My love?

Violetta: Leon?

Leon: Marry me?

Violetta: Wait? Did you just ask me to...?

Leon: Yes, baby I asked you to marry me.

Violetta: Are you sure, you're not just doing this because of Lara?

Leon: Baby, proposing to you is showing you that I love you and I don't care about Lara I just care about you.

Violetta: Well, Mr. Vargas I would love to marry you, but you need a ring to prove that I am engaged.

Leon took his ring off his finger and put it on Violetta's finger, and she kissed his ring that was on her finger.

Violetta: I love you so much. *Kisses him*

Leon: *Kissed back then pulled away* We better get up because we got the studio.

Violetta: Yeah, we need to tell the guys about our engagement.

Leon: Yeah.

They got changed and went to the studio after having something to eat and when they got to the studio, they saw everyone in the zoom.

Francesca: Violetta, we missed you.

Camila: Wait... is that Leon's ring? *Grabs her hand*

Francesca: Did you steal it?

Leon walked in with the guys and wrapped his arms around Violetta and kissed her cheek.

Leon: I'm going with the guys, my fiancée.

Violetta: Okay, meet you later, my fiancée.

Federico: Fiancée? You're engaged?

Leon: Yes, we're getting married.

The guys gripped him and started messing up his hair.

Diego: Wait, Violetta I thought we were starting something.

Violetta: Look, Diego, you're a great guy and everything but I'm engaged to Leon now and I don't want anyone else but him.

Broduey: Our lion is all grown up.

Leon: Guys chill out I only got engaged.

Francesca: Our little Violetta is grown up.

Leon: Let's go guys we need to rehearse.

My story of Leonetta *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now