Part fifteen ~

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2 months have passed Lara has told the truth about being pregnant she's pregnant with Tomas.

 Violetta ~

Well, I think you can guess who I'm pregnant with my amazing sexy boyfriend and today we are getting married, so we are back on track, and no one can ruin this for us because we love each other, and we are happy with each other right now.

I'm in my room with Ludmila, Camila, and Francesca they are helping me get ready maxi and Broduey is with Leon stressing him out by saying is he sure he wants to marry me.  

Ludmila: Violetta, you look beautiful I can't believe my little sister is getting married in thought I would be married before you

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Ludmila: Violetta, you look beautiful I can't believe my little sister is getting married in thought I would be married before you.

Camila: Ludmila, that's mean.

Ludmila: Sorry, I guess I lose myself sometimes I'm happy for you both.

Violetta: Thank you Ludmila.

Herman: Ready?

Angie: You look beautiful, Violetta.

Violetta: Thank you, I'm ready.

Camila: Well, go down the aisle.

They left Everyone stood up while they walked down the aisle and Violetta held on to her dad's arm and walked down slowly to Leon, he was in a suit which made him sexy.

Herman: Look after her, Leon

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Herman: Look after her, Leon.

Leon: I will do what I can.

Violetta smiled at him, and he kissed her hand.

Leon: *Whispers in her ear* You look, beautiful baby.

Violetta: So, do you babe.

Vicar: Can we start?

They nodded.

Vicar: Welcome everyone to the union of Mr. Leon Vargas and miss Violetta Castillo now if there is anyone who doesn't think these two should not be married, please say now forever hold your peace.

No one said anything but Violetta was scared just in case Tomas came so she held his hand tighter.

Vicar: Okay, Leon, repeat after me I Leon take Violetta to be my lawfully wedded wife in sickness and health richer or poorer to have and to hold as long as we both may live.

My story of Leonetta *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now