Part Eleven ~

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I woke up next to Violetta and she looked so peaceful laying on my pillow instead of hers, but I still felt guilty about sleeping with Lara even though it was just sex with no feelings but even though I know that Violetta told me she didn't sleep with Diego, I can't be honest with her about sleeping with Lara where she will be upset and hurt again and I've only now got her back in my arms.

Where I know what I want my life to be with and future, but it's not Lara, it's this girl right here I never want to wake up and not find by my side.

I felt Violetta moving, so I leaned over her and kissed her lips and she leaned her back against my bare chest.  

Leon: Morning, Beautiful.

Violetta: Morning, my handsome boyfriend.

Leon: How did my beautiful girlfriend sleep?

Violetta: Good, well I had a great dream *Holds his hand that was around her stomach*

Leon: Oh, yeah what was the dream about?

Violetta: That we were married, and we had a little boy called Leonardo and a little girl called Maria and we were happy, and we were on vacation and while the kids went to playgroup, we would have our time to relax and be with each other.

Leon: Wow, it feels real.

Violetta: It could beone day, Leon?

Leon: Hmm?

Violetta: Do you think even when we have kids, we are still going to be able to make love?

Leon: Yeah, of course, if we are quiet enough, then yeah.

Violetta: You mean it so even we have children; you would still make love to me? 

Leon: Course I would, why do you ask?

Violetta: I don't know because I would probably look awful my body will be out of shape.

Leon: Nah, it won't well it won't if you keep breaking a sweat.

Violetta: What's that mean?

Leon: As in if you keep having sex with me, you'll be in perfect shape.

Violetta: Leon Vargas, you dirty boy.

Leon: Being truthful, baby.

Violetta: Mm, I love it when your truthful, and I love your dirty mouth.

Leon: Well, don't love it too much I don't want to hear you talking dirty because I will smack your butt.

Violetta: Oh, we wouldn't want that would we *pulls him over her, so she was under him, and kissed him*

Leon: *in between kisses* I'm still starving for you, baby.

Violetta: Oh, you are?

Leon: I want you so bad *kisses her* I need you right now.

Violetta: *Moaning* Oh, come get me, bad boy.

Leon kissed down her neck to her breasts and rubbed his index finger around her breasts over her top.

Violetta: *Moans* oh, Leon.

Leon started to strip her off as he kissed down her stomach.

Leon: You taste so good, baby.

He went down to her pants after stripping her lower area Violetta moaned as he put his finger in her and thrust her.

Leon: Come for me, baby.

Violetta: I can't Leon

Leon: You can just let yourself go.

Violetta arched her back and she exploded Leon had all her come on his fingertips and he licked them Violetta looked at him she laid on his chest as he laid on the pillow.

My story of Leonetta *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now