Part Six ~

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After a while ~ 

The girls fell asleep with the boys and Leon was downstairs just drinking some water to sober himself before he went to bed, but he heard screaming coming from Violetta's room, so he went upstairs to her and saw her sat up breathing heavily so he sat down

Leon: What's wrong? 

Violetta: Nothing, just a bad dream.

Leon: Baby, it was just a dream. 

Violetta: It scared me. 

Leon: Shh, it was just a dream. 

Violetta: Do you think Lara is going to ruin our wedding 

Leon: No, baby. 

Violetta: Also, when should we get married? 

Leon: Up to you. 

Violetta: How about Saturday? 

Leon: This Saturday? 

Violetta: Yeah, problem? 

Leon: No, baby we can if you want to. 

Violetta: I want to, Leon. 

Leon: Okay then we'll get married this Saturday and we'll tell everyone in the morning now go to sleep. 

They laid down and fell asleep in each other's arms. 

The next morning ~ 

Francesca: Let's get up girls. 

Girls: Okay. 

Violetta woke up and she got changed then looked at sleeping Leon and left to go downstairs with the girls like the girls left the guys to sleep. 

Cami: Okay, then Violetta when are you getting married? 

Violetta: This Saturday. 

Francesca: Yes, that's a great idea and then you can watch out for Lara. 

Violetta: Girls, I don't care about Lara, and I need to stop worrying about her if not I'll lose Leon forever and I can't lose him.

Francesca: Good for you Violetta, because guess what? 

Violetta: What? 

Francesca: We will be ready then. 

Violetta: Exactly, and well we can take two weeks off the studio for our honeymoon it's not a bad thing.

After a while ~

The boys woke up and walked downstairs apart from Leon because he was in the shower, but all the boys had messy hair. 

Francesca: Morning, boys. 

Violetta: Where's Leon? 

Federico: Uh, I think he's in the shower. 

Violetta: I go up and see him. 

Federico: Okay. 

Violetta went to her bedroom and waited for Leon to come out of the shower when she heard the water turn off, so she sat on the bed and waited for him to walk into the bedroom.

Leon: *Walkes in with his messy wet hair and his jeans* Oh, you're up here now, are you? 

Violetta: Yeah, is that a problem? 

Leon: No, I was surprised when I woke up you weren't there. 

Violetta: Oh, right I went downstairs. 

Leon: Oh. 

Violetta: Did you want me?

Leon: Yeah, I wanted a morning kiss, but you weren't there. 

My story of Leonetta *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now