Part Three ~

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After a while ~

Leon and Violetta were cuddling in bed with the covers over them Violetta was asleep, so Leon got up and got changed and went to the motocross and saw Lara there.

Lara: I knew you wouldn't keep me waiting.

Leon: Look, Lara, I'm not here for that I'm here to talk to you.

Lara: Course you are but really you here for something else. *Puts her hands around his neck*

Leon: No, I'm here to talk to you about us we have no us there is no us Lara I'm in love with Violetta.

Lara: Oh, come on Leon, you know you love me, and you're just with Violetta to keep me away.

Leon: No, course not because I know you won't get me either way, but you better stay away from me because Violetta scared, you're going to come between me and her but you're not because I'm telling you not to do that because Violetta is frightened of that.

Lara: Oh, yeah well, he's going to lose you either way.

Leon: Why do you say that?

Violetta: Leon?

Leon: Baby what you doing here?

Violetta: No, the question is what are you doing here with her?

Leon: Let me explain.

Violetta: I don't want you to explain anything Leon, I was right she will come between us I'm done we're over.

Leon: Babe, I didn't do anything.

Violetta: No, but you were thinking about doing something with her I get it I'm not the perfect girl like Lara, but I love you isn't that enough? But I guess you don't love me like you say you do.

Leon: Babe, I just came to talk to her.

Violetta: No, you didn't you came to tell her you to love her.

Leon: Would I do that?

Violetta: I don't care anymore just leave me alone, Leon.

She walked off and Leon chased after her.

Leon: Babe, listen to me

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Leon: Babe, listen to me.

Violetta: I'm done Leon I'm done listening to you, I'm breaking up with you.

Leon: You don't want that you know it.

Violetta: No, but at least I won't get hurt.

Leon: *Holds her hands* Violetta, baby I won't let you get hurt I promise you.

Violetta: Leon, what I don't understand is that you and I had an amazing morning together and then while I was sleep you came for Lara, are you using me?

Leon: No, babe I came just to talk to Lara and tell her that I'm in love with you and she has to forget about me.

Violetta: Really?

Leon: Yeah, I don't want Lara scaring you, so I came here to tell her that.

Violetta: I must think Leon and maybe if Lara backs off maybe we can go back to our normal relationship but right now we will just be on a break.

Leon: That's understanding I just wanted to explain before you decided like that.

Violetta: I know, and I should've let you explain instead of misunderstanding things.

Leon: Shall we go to the studio?

Violetta: Yeah, let's go.

They went to the studio and while Leon was in class Violetta was in the zoom on her own and Lara walked in.

Violetta: If your here for Leon he's in class

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Violetta: If your here for Leon he's in class.

Lara: No, I'm here for you.

Violetta: For me? I didn't ask you to come.

Lara: Look, I know you hate me because if what I'm doing.... *Gets cut off*

Violetta: Woah, hate isn't the word I would use I would use dislike you.

Lara: Fine, whatever but have you ever had feelings for someone you know who is out of your league, but you want them to love you anyway?

Violetta: Yeah, I have and that was Leon and now look he loves me, and I love him.

Lara: Well, I want the same with Leon I want to be the girl who goes out with a hot, sexy guy who would do anything for you even die for you.

Violetta: Well, look you're a bit late because Leon and I *Lies* Are engaged.

Lara: What? but I thought you broke up?

Violetta: Our relationship is pure and strong and it's not going to break over some useless girl who thinks she has the power to come between me and Leon.

Lara: You don't deserve him, and to be honest he deserves a better girl than you.

She walked off.

Violetta ~

Did I just tell Lara I'm engaged to Leon Vargas Oh no what if she goes to Leon, he'll say it's not true, and then she will know I was lying what do I do now? Great, she's won either way I need to find Leon and tell him I lied wish me luck.

She went to find Leon but when she did, she found Lara with him.

It's too late she's probably told him, and he probably said it isn't true I've lost him, and it hurts so much.

She went to the park and sat down on the bench and cried.

She went to the park and sat down on the bench and cried

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A/N: ~ 

Thank you for reading. 


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