Part Twelve ~

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Violetta was at the studio sitting on the stage with the girls, talking about Leon. 

Camila: Hey, Violetta why such a long face?

Francesca: I thought you and Leon were getting back together?

Violetta: Well, we did get back together but we broke up again.

Camila: What? Why?

Francesca: What happened? You were happy with him, right?

Violetta: He slept with Lara, and he hid it from me.

Camila: What? He cheated on you.

Violetta: No, he did it when we broke up.

Francesca: Oh, so he slept with Lara when you broke up, wait was that after that horrible argument?

Violetta: That's the one.

Francesca: Oh, come on, Violetta, cut him some slack, the guy was a mess when you told him you were in love with Tomas and not him.

Camila: Francesca's, right you did rip the guy's heart once again, so I don't blame him for being reckless maybe he wasn't thinking at that time.

Violetta: How can you two defend him? You're supposed to be my friend, not his.

Francesca: Because you're not innocent either Violetta.

Violetta: I can't believe this; I came here so I could slag him off and tell you that he's a bad person and you two are just defending him.

Camila: Violetta, Leon probably did it to forget about you, but it probably didn't work because he so in love with you.

Violetta: No, he did because he hasn't changed, he just like when he dated Ludmila.

Camila: Awe, now that isn't fair Violetta.

Francesca: Why don't we sing that always cheers us up?

Violetta: No, I don't feel like singing.

Francesca: Come on, Violetta.

They dragged her up on stage and sung friendship code.

Leon: *Walkes to her* Well you going to listen or ignore me?

Violetta: We've said everything Leon there's nothing there anymore we're over forever you know that you have Lara and I have Tomas

She was about to walk off when Leon gripped my hand.

Leon: *Holds her hand* Violetta, I didn't cheat on you, I did it because I was messed up and yeah, your right it's all I know but you left me, Violetta.

Violetta: Oh, so now you're saying that I made you do it, Leon your unbelievable.

Leon: I'm not blaming you I'm just saying we broke up and you aren't innocent in all this what about Tomas hmm?

Violetta: You can't keep blaming Tomas for your mistakes Leon you are just saying this because you are scared.

Leon: You think I'm scared or are you the one who scared him?

Violetta: What have I got to be scared of?

Leon: That you're not good enough for me or is it that you're really scared of being jealous of Lara?

Violetta: Enough Leon, I'm not jealous of that b*tch and I am most certainly not thinking that I'm not good enough for you and you're messed up ways, I gave you my heart Leon, and virginity for that matter and you just soaked it in like you do because you don't care about girls giving up their innocence for you because of your ego.

Leon: You and I had a connection, the first time we met you felt it we clicked straight away I kissed you and we don't know how to tell Tomas.

Violetta: That connection broke when you slept with Lara.


Violetta: Yeah, right?

Leon: Don't say that to me you know you love me, and I love you and I know you don't want to be with anyone else but I just admit that you still have feelings for me and we can forget this problem and go back to ourselves *holds her waist* Come on baby come back to me I need you back.

Violetta: I...

He cut her off with his lips and kissed her and she kissed back.

Leon: *Pulled away* I love you Violetta with all my heart, I don't want anyone else but you.

Violetta: I love you too Leon also with all my heart and of course I don't want anyone but you either.

Leon: That's all I wanted to hear.

Violetta: But Leon, I need to tell you something.

Leon: What, baby?

Violetta: I slept with Tomas. *Looks down at her fingers*

Leon: Baby...

Violetta: Please, I'm sorry, Leon.

Leon: Shh, it's okay, I guess we are both even.

Violetta: I guess we are, but I'm not sure if he put protection on...

Leon: Wait, what?

Violetta: I didn't see him put one on.

Leon: Right, that's it we are going to check if you're not pregnant.

Violetta: Leon, this is a big deal.

Leon: You're telling me.

Violetta: Okay, we will check if am or not.

They went to the shop and got a pregnancy test, and they went to a bathroom.

Leon: Go on baby, I'm right here.

Violetta: Okay.

She went into the toilet and peed on the stick she came back out of the toilet and faced Leon

Leon: Well? Are you?

Violetta: Leon...I'm... 

A/N: ~ 

To be continued...

Do you think she's pregnant with Tomas's baby?

But what about Lara because she's pregnant as well? Is that one Tomas's as well?

What about Leon what's going to happen to him?

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