Part Thirteen ~

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Leon ~

Well, I'm waiting in Violetta's room for her to come back in to tell me if she's pregnant or not, but the thing is if she is then it's either mine or Tomas's, but I hope it isn't him because things would be complicated for us.

Meanwhile, Violetta walked in looking at the test, she looked upset as she walked towards me to show me the test.

Leon: You're not, are you?

Violetta: Leon...

Leon: Just say it, Violetta.

Violetta: I'm pregnant.

Leon With who's child mine or Tomas?

Violetta: I don't know, Leon.

Leon: Right, of course, it's early days, but if it's Tomas's I'm not looking after it.

Violetta: So, you're just going to leave me?

Leon: No Vilu I won't leave you ever but I'm not getting involved with this situation if it's Tomas's.

Violetta: Well, if it's Tomas's, I'll abort it.

Leon: Violetta, you can't do that what if Tomas wants this baby, you can't just get rid of it.

Violetta: You're the one I want a child with Leon I want my baby to look like you, sexy, handsome, and caring I don't want him ugly, annoying, or selfish like Tomas.

Leon: Awe, that's sweet baby, but what if it's a girl it'll be beautiful like you.

Violetta: I really do mean it Leon you're my everything and I don't want Tomas's baby because he won't look after me like you do.

Leon: If you knew that you wouldn't have slept with him.

Violetta: I was upset, Leon.

Leon: Oh, and that makes it okay, does it?


Leon: I didn't make her pregnant and I did it because I was messed up.

Violetta: Oh, so now you're saying I wanted this hmm?

Leon: Well, you always watch me put the condom on, but with him it's different.

Violetta: Excuse me? The only reason why I didn't watch him is that he laid me down, Leon.

Leon: Yeah, and I lay you down, but you sit up to watch me put it on, what did he do pin you down?

Violetta: Well, here's a question for you, did you use protection with me?

Leon: Truthfully?

Violetta: Yes.

Leon: Then, no I didn't use protection with you.

Violetta: You didn't, what?

Leon: No, I didn't, because I thought you would be on the pill.

Violetta: You have some nerve; did you use protection with Lara?

Leon: What?

Violetta: It's a simple enough question if you didn't use it on me, did you at least use protection with Lara because you know you were so messed up maybe you forgot.

Leon: Hang on, what are you saying? That I forget the protection on purpose? And what Tomas forgetting the protection was an accident?

Violetta: I don't get you.

Leon: Violetta, you're shouting at me saying how selfish I could be by not putting protection on what about you? You said you're not sure if Tomas put one on so it could be his.

Violetta: I love the fact you blame me and Tomas where Lara's pregnant too are you sure that isn't your baby?

Leon: That's it I'm done.

Violetta: *Holds his hand* No Leon don't leave me please I beg you don't leave.

Leon sighed and hugged her.

Violetta: I don't want you to leave me Leon I'm scared, and I need you to calm me

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Violetta: I don't want you to leave me Leon I'm scared, and I need you to calm me.

Leon: *Pulls away and holds her cheek* I'm not going anywhere Violetta I'm right here we'll get through this together I'm not going to let you go through this alone.

Violetta: Thank you Leon that made me feel better.

He leaned in and she did.  

A/N: ~ 

Thank you for reading. 

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