Part Eight ~

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Maxi: We have a problem, Leon? 

Violetta: What? 

Leon: Who's here? 

Violetta: How do you know it's someone? 

Diego: This guy just came and asked where's his girlfriend whoever that is. 

Violetta: Well, it's a guy. 

Leon: Violetta, I think I know who it is. 

He ran outside and Violetta followed him. 

Leon looked at the back of his head until he turned and looked at Leon. 

Leon: Tomas? What are you doing here? 

Tomas: Ah, Leon you haven't changed. 

Leon: What you are doing here? 

Tomas: Uh I came just to wish you my blessing for your wedding.

Violetta: I don't buy it what do you really want? 

Tomas: Oh, you haven't changed either. 

Leon: Answer her. 

Tomas: Okay, I'm here for Violetta. 

Leon: Again, I've had enough of you can't you find someone else but my fiancée. 

Tomas: No, because she's special. 

Violetta: I'm in love with Leon so just think now. 

Tomas: Oh well Lara even told you that you could die in your dreams, didn't she? So, I wouldn't be left alone you never know where she could be. 

Violetta: How do you know about my dreams? 

Tomas: Well, you scream for Leon every night. 

Violetta: How would you know that? 

Tomas: I'm not saying anything, goodbye just watch out. 

He left and so did everyone else left awkwardly, and Violetta cuddled up with Leon because she was scared. 

Leon: It's okay I'm not going to let anything happen to you, I promise Violetta.

Violetta: You heard him Lara's going to kill me. 

Leon: She won't Baby because I won't leave your side I promise. 

Violetta: But what if you left you can't be by my side every time. 

Maxi: Well, we'll take turns whenever Leon's not with you one of us will. 

Violetta: No, I can't ask you to do that. 

Leon: They care about you Violetta they don't want anything to happen to you 

Violetta: I know, but I can't ask you to risk your lives for me.

Diego: Vilu you would do the same if it was one of us. 

Fran: We stuck together that's what friends are for they don't leave a friend unsafe they keep a friend safe. 

Violetta: Thank you. 

Leon: Baby why don't you go get ready for bed Hmm? 

Violetta: Okay, will you belong? 

Leon: No, I'll be there now.

Violetta: Okay. 

She went upstairs. 

Maxi: We'll stay the night just in case Lara shows up. 

Leon: Okay...  

I was about to say something by I heard a scream, so we all ran into the house and Violetta holding onto the stairs, so I went to her, and she was shaking like she saw a ghost she started burning up She was boiling.

My story of Leonetta *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now