Part Sixteen ~

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Leon ~
I woke up next to Violetta and she was so peaceful asleep I can't believe she's my wife and she's carrying my babies who I love the most, Oh I think someone's waking up.

Leon: *Leans over her* Morning, Mrs. Vargas.

Violetta: Morning, handsome husband.

Leon: *Rubs her stomach* How did you sleep?

Violetta: *Holds his hand that's on her stomach* Great, because I was with you.

Leon: Aww, well I'm going to get up and make you breakfast.

Violetta: Can I help You make breakfast?

Leon: Why?

Violetta: Because then you can hold me in a romantic way.

Leon: Oh, really?

Violetta: Yeah, just because I'm pregnant and just because we aren't in a romantic place doesn't mean I don't want you not to be romantic with me.

Leon: Aww, baby do you remember making pizza with Diego and I walked in.

Violetta: Yeah, and you weren't happy I guess you were jealous.

Leon: Course, I was seeing another guy touching my girl never going to happen.

Violetta: But you kissed Lara.

Leon: She kissed me let's forget that you're my wife now.

Violetta: And you're my husband now and nothing's going ruin it.

They were about to kiss when Violetta's phone rang.

Leon: Except your phone ringing.

Violetta: *Checks the caller Id* It's my dad.

Leon: Well, you better get it before he starts calling again and ruining our moment again.

Phone conversation ~

Violetta: *answers* Hello dad.

Herman: am I disturbing your honeymoon?

Violetta: No, dad Leon is just making breakfast for us, and I was going to help him.

Herman: Oh, are you in a safe place?

Violetta: Yes, dad nobody can do anything to me.

Herman: That's good, what's Leon making for breakfast?

Violetta: Uh, I don't know because I'm in the room and he's next door.

Herman: Okay, I'll let you go now.

Violetta: Thank you, bye dad I love you.

Herman: Bye honey, I love you too honey.

End of conversation ~

Leon: Well. did you talk to him?

Violetta: Yes, what's for breakfast?

Leon: You're favorite.

Violetta: Pancakes?

Leon: Not just ordinary pancakes the Leon pancakes.

Violetta: Great, because I'm starving.

He gave her the pancakes and she scoffed them down.

Leon: Nice?

Violetta: Amazing, Leon.

Leon: Good to hear.

Violetta: What are we doing today?

Leon: Uh I'm going into the town; do you want to come?

My story of Leonetta *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now