Part Seventeen ~ Final Chapter:

565 14 13

At the lodge ~
Leon was still looking at his phone on the sofa when they walked in, Violetta went to their room to put her shopping bags away and when she went to the room, she found Leon on the sofa reading his phone but when she went behind him, she kissed his head and Leon put his phone away.

Violetta: *Puts her hands on his chest* Mm. *Puts her head on his head and watches his hands hold her hands*

Leon: Mm what? Tell me?

Violetta: Leon what's on your phone what are you hiding? Are you cheating on me with Lara?

Leon: No, baby I'm preparing a surprise for you, and I need it to be perfect.

Violetta: Aww, Leon I'm sorry for doubting you.

Leon: It's okay baby I would be curious if it was you.

Violetta: But the only thing is Lara's been here.

Leon: Well, she hasn't been here, but she's come between us I know that, but this has nothing to do with her.

Violetta: *Sits on the sofa* Are you sure you don't want her as your wife?

Leon: I'm sure baby and besides I'm happy with you as my wife and the mother of my babies.

Violetta: Okay, if you still love me?

Leon: Course I do.

Violetta: Really?

Leon: Yeah, I love you forevermore.

Leon: What do you say we make dinner mm I'm starving

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Leon: What do you say we make dinner mm I'm starving.
Violetta: Okay.
They went to the kitchen and started getting ingredients for pizza.
Violetta: So, we are going to make pizza.
Leon: Well we could or we could make an omelette
Violetta: No, pizza please.
Leon: Okay, carry on *Stands back to let her cook*
Violetta: Why are you standing away from me?
Leon: Because I'm going to let you cook.
Violetta: I can't cook, Leon, please I need your arms around me, *Pulls his arms around her*
Leon: Baby, just put a lump of flour then tip water into it.
Violetta: Do it with me, Leon.
He put a lump of flour and put an island to put the water in and she put her hands in the flour, he put his hands over hers.
Leon: Don't you dare, Violetta.
She lifted her hand that was full of flour and blew it his face and he coughed.
Violetta: Awe, did I get in your eye.
Leon: *Blew it in her face* You evil girl.
Violetta: Awe, I'm sorry baby.
Leon: No, your not so I guess I'll do this.
Violetta: What you doing?
Leon rubbed it up her arms and put some on her nose.
Violetta: Leon, you bad boy.
Leon: Awe, I'm sorry *kissed her nose* Not sorry.
Violetta: felt a pain in her stomach when Leon put it in oven and heard Violetta scream.
Leo: Baby, what's wrong? *Holds her hand*
Violetta: I'm in pain *In pain* Leon it hurts what do I do?
Leoln: Shh, breathe sit down and breathe count to 10 while I call the ambulance.
Violetta: *Breathes in and Breathes out* Leon, I think I'm in labour.
Leon: Okay just stay calm *On the phone* I'm on hold great.
Violetta: Leon, your going have to drive me there.
Leon: Okay. *Hangs up the phone and takes the pizza put of the oven then took her to the car* Baby just relax okay? we'll be there in 2 minutes.
Violetta: Just let me have your hand and I'll be relaxed *Holds his hand and starts squeezing his hand*
Leon: Baby, that hurts your hurting my hand.
Violetta: I'm sorry babe I didn't mean to hurt you.
Leon: It's okay beautiful we're nearly there.
Then they arrived at the hospital and Leon helped violetta out of the car and went into the hospital and stood by the desk.
Leon: Hi my wife's just gone into labour.
Nurse: Okay, follow me into a room.
Leon: Come on babe lets get you laid down.
They walked into the room and Violetta laid down on the bed and the nurse checked her.
Violetta: Don't leave me, Leon.
Leon: I'm here baby I'm not going anywhere. *Strokes her head*
Nurse: Right lets get you ready to have these beautiful babies are you the father?
Leon: Yes.
Nurse: Okay, lets get these babies out.
Violetta: Okay.
She pushed the baby out and Leon's hand was in pain because she was holding on to his hand so hard.
Violetta: I can't do it anymore
Nurse: Come on Mrs Vargas you have one more push to go you can do this
Leon: Come on baby, you can do this I believe in you.
Violetta: It hurts Leon.
Leon: I know baby but you just need one more push and then he or she will be out.
Nurse: Come on Mrs Vargas he's coming
Leon: Give me Leonardo baby push him out.
Violetta squeezed his hand and pushed Leonardo out then it was Maria left as she pushed Maria out the midwife  cleaned them both and handed Leonardo to Leon and Maria to Violetta.
Leon: Hello Leonardo I'm your daddy
Violeta: She's beautiful Leon *looks at Maria*
Leon: Awe, baby don't cry.
Violetta: Can't help it.
Nurse: We are going to put them in there cribs.
Violetta: Okay.
They took them away and Violetta was talking to Leon.
Leon: Baby you should get some rest.
Violetta: Okay, will you tell the guys and my dad and Angie?
Leon: Yeah, baby I'll be back.
Leon went to call everyone while Violetta slept for a while as she was tired from pushing, when Leon finished telling everyone.

To be continued

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