Living The Sweet Life

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Your eyes opened, and you hoisted yourself into a sitting position on the king-sized bed. Being in the middle of the humongous bed, you crawled over to the side, the feeling of silk sheets beneath your hands. Finally at the edge, you then proceeded to put your feet on the luxurious carpet of your room. You sat there for a few moments, rubbing the sleepiness out of your eyes, when you heard the door creak open.

"Oh, Miss (Y/N), you're awake!" You heard a maid, Mimi, exclaim, obviously surprised that you'd bother to get up at this hour, which, when you glanced at the digital clock on one of the night stands. 9:13

"Yeah? What about it?" You asked her, looking at her, "And you can just call me (Y/N), by the way."

You allowed a kind smile to make it's way to your face as Mimi blushed in embarrassment.

"Of course, (Y/N)," She said, looking a little wary of just addressing you by name, "I just came to inform you that the chef has finished preparing breakfast."

"Alright. Let me get ready and I'll be down in a few minutes," You told her. She nodded and shut the door while you got out of the warm and extremely comfortable king-sized bed.

Resisting the urge to jump right back into bed and burrow under the heavy blankets, you made your way over to one of the dressers in the room. You decided to wear a (F/C) hoodie over a simple white T-shirt, and some black sweats. After deciding that you didn't look like complete trash, you made your way out of the room, down the hallway, and down a flight of stairs to the dining room.

On your journey down, you thought about incredibly lucky you are. Here you are, (Y/N), a simple 16-old teen, staying in a mansion, complete with servants. Ever since your house was destroyed by the incident, a friend of yours, who was literally a billionaire, allowed you to stay within her mansion. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to be here, as she was with some of your other friends in Europe on some big, grand adventure, and you couldn't go, because one of your other friends, who was pretty much an actual super genius, said you had to stay in case something happened here, in (H/T) (Home Town), so you'd be able to give the details to them.

You were so busy complaining in your head that you didn't notice where exactly you were walking, causing you to walk straight into a wall. You caught yourself, but before you could do anything else, you heard a small POP sound, and were suddenly covered with confetti. Looking up, you saw rigged party popper. Looking down at the wall, you saw a piece of paper tapped there.

Hey, (Y/N)!

I know you wouldn't pay attention to where you were going,

probably because you were upset you couldn't go with us.

So I decided to set up a bunch of these little surprises around the place,

so you don't forget us and know we're still there with you,

even if we really aren't.

And so you can even start the day with a bang!

Love you!

You felt a smile creep onto your lips. You could always count on her, your happy-go-lucky friend, to always cheer you up. She would do most anything to make anyone smile.

Feeling a lot better, you finished making your way to the dining room, only to be met with a huge buffet instead of a small breakfast like you expect. You felt your mouth water while you sat down, looking at all of the food.

Looks like you being here alone, minus the servants, won't be as bad as you thought.

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