Chapter 26 - new friend *edited*

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Elizabeth's POV

A few hours went by and nobody had dared to come upstairs scared to get shouted at by me or Alisha.

I secretly texted Alisha,who was next door, to give the silent treatment to whoever tries to get us to talk.

She agreed as it was a challenge for her and she never says no to a challenge.

The boys all went back to work, wherever that may be and Jack stayed downstairs playing with my younger sisters.

I quickly ran to the door due to my amount of boredom in my system to check if it was clear for us to go.

I decided we needed a little break away from the palace back to reality.

We were going to stay at the house at the edge of the forest where Alisha first met Louis.

She was excited to visit her parents as she hadnt seen them for a couple of months from staying at my house.

I asked my parents if they would help us go away for a while without letting the boys know that we had gone missing.

The only problem was that Jack, my third protector, was helping us and is going to stay with us.

My father sternly told him that he was to protect us girls with his life which he bowed and agreed on.

At first I told the boys we were going to school and we had to go to the library afterwards which they surprsingly took.

The school part was correct but neither of us would go or step foot inside of a library.

We got to school and done our normal lessons, English double, break, Maths, Science, lunch, double PE, end of school.

*time skip to end of day*

Me and Alisha were currently waiting for Jack by his Ford focus car. it was quite a nice car.

10 minutes later Jack walks out with a girl next to him.

Its a new girl I havent seen before.

'whos the girl jack?'


'im guessing shes coming too then?' Alisha's voice echoed in my head.

'yep' Jack sternly said to both of us giving the new girl a lovingly look, which made her blush.

*Jack's POV*

We got to school in my car as the 1D boys wouldnt let me carry them both to school as there are too many humans about.

Anyways, I said goodbye and see you later to Ali and Eliza, as they walked off to their class.

I needed to get my classes changed so I would be in every class as them.

To be able to do my job fully as a protector.


walking through the school halls not looking where I was going, I bumped into someone.

This caused me to knock over the persons books and school stuff all over the floor.

'mate! found mate!' my wolf Jacob was shouting at me in my head.

I slowly looked up and saw a slightly nerdy looking girl.

"um im sorry about that, here let me help you." I stuttered out and as quiet as possible.

"um thanks, sorry I wasnt looking where I was going." She said.

"no no it was all me, I didnt look where I was going either so we were both in the wrong." I explained.

"thanks" she said with a slight smile.

"im Jack by the way, Jack Johnston." I introduced myself in a kind way putting out my hand to help her up as she was still laying on the ground.

The girl grabbed my hand and pulled herself up using my hand for support.

"im Jenny Poit, ive just moved here with my sister Louise."

"its a pleasure to meet you miss Jenny. As an apology would you like me to take you to your lessons today so you dont go the wrong way or get lost?" I politley asked her hoping she would accept.

She just nodded her head silently and smiled at me.

I grinned and grabbed her hand and ran to her first class which was English.

The hand grabbing made my wolf run around in circles in my head causing me to glare at him in annoyance.

We walked into the classroom and I explained to my teacher who she was and how im showing her round the classes and to make sure she sits with me.

The teacher just smiled and nodded her head and told us to take a seat near the back.

"Do you want to meet my other friends after school, We're going to one of my best friends holiday house on the edge of the woods on friday for the summer after school if you want to join?" I asked Jenny.

She looked like she was talking to herself as she pouted but then smiled and nodded her head.

"good, you can bring your sister if you want. my friend has a little brother around her age. it'll be fun!"

Jenny just nodded once again and silently got her phone out to text her sister who instantly replied with 'OMG! Yes yes yesssss!'

I chuckled at the response.

We then just continued with the day.

*timeskip to friday *

end of the day arrives and me and Jen (she let me call her that) are walking to the car to meet with Ali and Eliza to go to Eliza's old house on the edge of the forest.

We are walking with Jen's little sister as well to 'hang out with'

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