Chapter 4 - the dream *edited*

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18 years old

The night before the concert I had a weird feeling that something good was going to happen,

*the dream*

I was running through the forest away from something.

I could hear growling or some kind of noise behind me.

I looked to see 5 fast moving creatures.

I recognised them from somewhere.

I shook that thought out of my head.

The creatures started to come towards me.

They look friendly. The white wolf came the closest to me and layed down next to me.

I started to stroke its soft fur.

Then the pure black one came and layed down next to me.

It then looked over at its friends like it was talking to them.

There 3 other wolves standing near by a tree.

The first one was a mixture of brown with a bit of white on its ear.

The second one was black with a patch of brown on its leg.

The third one was mix of with white and brown.

They all came and sat next to me

Then a man appeared from no where.

The man started walking towards me.

The man looked over at the wolves surrounding around me and smiled.

"Wh-ho are y-ou?" I asked the man whilst hiding my face behind the wolves.

"You havent changed a bit have you my darling Elizabeth" the man said with a smile on his face.

I got even more scared now.

"You didnt answer my question....who are you?" I asked again.

The man's smile faded into a frown,

"My dear elizabeth, my name is Marco. Im your dad. I am also the master and leader of the protecters agency." He said tears coming out of his eyes.

"How can I believe you? My parents died when I was 12 in a severe car crash! I had to live with my best friend's family since that day! I have no family!" I screamed at Marco.

"Please believe me. You will learn more about the truth behind your life as you grow older, trust me my darling." Marco said, walking closer.

"You have 5 special protectors, as I can see, you have already met and gotten used to them already. " Marco said pointing towards the 5 huge wolves. I smiled at them as they just cuddled back in with me.

"These protectors will always be with you whenever I cant. You can connect with them and me via your mind which we call a mind link." Marco explained.

I nodded telling him to continue.

"And they each have a different personality." He started to point to each wolf.

"The pure white one is called Noah. He loves to go running around and loves food.

The pure black one is called Loki he is the leader of their pack so they usually ask for permission from him before going anywhere.

The brown wolf with the white mixed is Zachary but you can call him Zach for short as he doesnt like the long version of his name. He loves running and doesnt like the rain.

The black wolf with a brown patch on his leg is Hunter. He is the fastest runner out of them all.

The last one, the wolf with a mix of white and black, is called Leo. Hes the most mischeiveous of the pack." Marco explained.

"Okay, anything else I need to know bdfore my head explodes?!"

"Yes actually, their eyes change colour depending on their mood."

"Their normal colour is normal. Red is angry. Purple is guilty/sad, and Orange is excited and a brighter colour of their eye colour means their in love"

"There is somethig else. Your protectors are on-" marco started.

I woke up with a gasp from someone shouting up the stairs trying to wake me up.

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