Chapter 33 - Some much needed help *edited*

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*back to the castle with Eliza's parents and the 1D boys.*

Liam's POV

The castle is extremely quiet.

We were told that the girls have gone for a 'girls only' weekend away.

All of a sudden, I could feel tension in my head.

I was feeling fine, I didnt have a clue.

Then my phone rang.

i didnt even look at the caller ID to know who it was and answered.

"hello, Liam Payne speaking. How can i he-"

"LIAM! HELP!" I was cut off by a very loud voice that I recognised very clearly.


"whats wrong? are you safe?" I asked, my alpha voice coming out slightly with concern.

"TWO ANGRY WOLVES FOUND THEIR MATES AND ARE ABOUT TO GO MENTAL!!!!!" She shouted into the phone like her life depended on me, which it kind of does.

"wait a minute, who? where are you? who else is there?"  I spoke very sternly.

" just shut up a minute will ya!" Alisha shouted back at my making my wolf growl slightly from her tone of voice.

"watch what your saying missy, or i will get Leo and Noah to come and listen to this 'oh so' interesting conversation." I snapped back which made the two girls go quiet.

"where are you girls? who else is with you and which wolves are with you as We were told it was Ja-" I was cut off AGAIN by the girls screaming down the phone.

"JACK AND NATHAN! we are at my old house i was at before i lived at the castle for a week and asked jack to come with us to make sure we are safe. During the last week, me and Alisha became best mates with a new girl called 'Jenny' and invited her to come with us which got her worried about her sister, Louise who is 16. so she invited her as well. after we settled into the house I asked nathan to get us some food from the pizza place and to bring it to the house when all of a sudden, Nathan's eyes changed to bright yellow scaring Louise and that made Jenny get scared which made Jack's eyes change to yellow and made her scared! We tried to calm them both down but can't!" The girls finally finished their story about the past week and it all sank in.

"Girls! You need to listen very carefully to me for my instructions on how to calm the boys down." I said.

"Okay!" They both said.

"Ali, you go to Jack with Jenny and tell him to calm down or Jenny will leave okay?"

"okay, i'll do that"

'Lizzie, you do the same with Louise to Nathan. if that doesnt work, mind link me and i will get the others to help out okay?"

"NO! Liam! this was my fault for bringing the two innocent girls here. I need to do this myself with no help. Please! I can do this!"

"Fine, Mindlink will be open at all times okay?"

"Yep! Bye!"

"please stay safe girls! love you both!"

"love you too!"

*end of call*

I have a feeling that this isnt gonna go very well.

Time to tell the truth to the king and the other boys.....

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