1: Annabeth

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It all started with the spiders. So many spiders. Annabeth is a 7-year-old girl with a dad she never sees and an evil stepmom who hates her. One night, she went to bed, and was about to fall asleep when she noticed a movement in the corner of her bedroom. Being a curious little girl, she got out of bed to investigate. As soon as she got close, they started pouring out of the closet door. Spiders. Hundreds of them. Screaming, she ran sprinted to her bed and hid under the covers. The spiders began to climb on top of her. "Daddy! Help!" She screamed. But he wouldn't come. He was at work still. He was always at work.

"Annabeth! Be quiet!" Her stepmom yelled.

"Help! There's spiders!" She kept screaming as they climbed over her.

"For gods sake Annabeth would you be quiet?" Her stepmom said, turning on the light. "No spiders! I don't want to hear you disrupting the quiet again! I don't want you waking up my boys!" She stormed out, turning the light back off.

But as soon as she left, they came back. Annabeth hid under the covers and eventually fell asleep from exhaustion.

When she woke up in the morning, she was covered in spiders bites and cobwebs. At least she would have proof to show her stepmom.

By the time she was dressed and downstairs, the bites had faded. All that was there were a few cobwebs, but of course her stepmom thought they were from her stepbrother's Halloween costume.

The next night, the spiders came back. Again she woke up with bites, which faded. That afternoon, she packed a backpack and snuck out of the house. She was not staying with her crazy person of a stepmom.

She ran down the street, not knowing what she was about to face, or where she was going to go.


I hope you like the beginning! Sorry it's kinda short the next chapter will be longer! This is only my second book on wattpad, the other one is still in progress! I will post the second chapter of the this book ASAP! Maybe tomorrow?


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