12: Annabeth

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Sorry I haven't updated this one in a while... I was focusing on my other story, anyways, enjoy... *cue dramatic music*


So, I was wandering around after losing Thalia and Luke, when I heard their yells. Then I heard the cyclops, trying to trick me by using their voices. But I knew better. Thanks, Athena.

I cut them down and Thalia took it from there. Thanks gods were out of that place, the old abandoned workshop/cyclops lair whatever really freaked me out.

Anyways, we were walking through the woods (still), when we heard a loud CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH. We all perked up and drew our weapons.

But there was no need. The noise came closer and a young, dark skinned saytr without horns came out into the clearing, munching on a tin can.

"Wofkd you griys hrappin to be tgpala lruke amd anbreth?" He asked, his mouth still full of yummy tin can.

"Excuse me?" Thalia asked.

The satyr swallowed (how do you swallow a bunch of shards of tin?) and said, "Sorry, I meant would you guys happen to be Thalia, Luke, and Annabeth?"

"Oh! Yeah. I'm Annabeth, that's Thalia, and that's Luke." I said, pointing to them, "are you here to rescue us?"

"Well, yeah. I'm supposed to take you guys to Camp Half-Blood. I'm Grover." He said, "so, let's get this show on the road..."

Suddenly, there was a huge crash behind us. The saytr stiffened and said, "there's a really big group of monsters right behind you, my senses tell me they've been following for quite a while, but they just caught up. Run!" He sprinted away on his goat legs.

"Being in the cyclops lair must have delayed us more than we thought!" Luke yelled, running after Grover.

After about fifteen minutes of running, we stopped behind Grover at the edge of a road. He whistled, and an old New York City cab came zooming down the street.

The door opened, and Grover went in, motioning for us to squeeze in too. "What-" I started, but they all gave me a look that said shut up you'll figure it out! So I kept my mouth shut and climbed in after Thalia.

"Half blood hill please." Grover said to the driver.

"Wonderful! Ten drachmas please." came three scratchy, old voices.

I gasped to see that it wasn't a driver, but three old ladies. They turned around, and I saw that they didn't have eyes, except for one of them, with one huge eye. I gasped again and realized it was the grey sisters.

"Hey! Give me the eye! I'm the one driving!" One of them said.

"No! You had it yesterday!" The one with the eye said.

"I want it! I haven't had it in three days!" Said the third.

They argued for a while until the driver got the eye. (It was rather disgusting, let me tell you, when the first one popped it out of her eye socket and handed it to the driver.)

With that, we sped down the road. It was an extremely bumpy ride, we must have been going 200mph! Suddenly, the cab came to a halt.

"Um, sorry, you need to get out. There's been a- uh- complication." The driver said, as the cab doors sprang open and we were ejected into the field next to the road.

"Well, camps not far, we can get there fairly fast." Said Grover, hopping up and leading us into the woods.

There was a roar, and we turned around and pulled out our weapons. I realized what the complication was, as a huge pack of hellhounds and a cyclops we running down the road after us.

We yelled and sprinted after Grover, trying to reach the safety of the camp.

We were pretty far into the woods when I noticed an arch with the words Camp Half-Blood on them, in Greek. I could always understand Greek, must be a demigod talent.

That's when there was an almighty crash, and the cyclops knocked a tree down. Grover yelled for us to get out of the way, but Thalia wasn't so lucky. A huge branch landed on her leg, trapping her.

"Thalia!" We yelled, then rushed over to get the branch off of her leg.

By the time she was up again, limping slightly, the cyclops and the hellhounds were right next to us.

"Go!" Thalia yelled, "I'll hold them off!"

"No, Thalia!" Luke yelled.

Grover pulled us through the arch, where we helplessly watched the cyclops approach.

Thalia tried, but she was wounded and tired. The cyclops punched the ground right in front of her, and she was simply gone.

"Thalia!" I cried, tears streaming down my face.

Then lightning flashed from above, from Zeus, I guess, and I noticed a sprout growing next to Thalia. In a matter of seconds, it was a full, towering maple tree, taller than any of the other trees in the forest, and covering Thalia's body.

I noticed a haze spreading out around the camp, starting at the tree. The cyclops tried to get to us, but the shield thingy kept him out. He pounded on it in frustration.

"A barrier. Must be Zeus's way of keeping her 'alive', in a way." Luke, said, tear and dirt streaks running down his face.

Grover pulled us into the camp, a shocked look on his face, and said, "Come on. We need to find Chiron."


Soooo, this story is almost done! But don't worry, there's gonna be a few more chapters about Camp. Hope you liked it!

~Megan <3

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