7: Annabeth

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We have been walking in this random forest for ever. Noticing how tired I looked, Thalia said, "Annabeth looks dead on her feet. We need to find someplace to rest."

"How about right there?" Luke asked, stopping abruptly and pointing a huge golden mansion, which was partly hidden by the trees.

"Well, it should be safe." Thalia said.

"Let's go!" I started running towards it, with Luke and Thalia right behind me. Then I stopped, staring right at a window on the top floor. I could swear I saw a weird golden flash of light.

"What?" Thalia asked.

"I thought I saw something- never mind, it's nothing." I said. It was probably just a trick of the light.

When we got inside, I noticed that the entire room was completely gold, the walls, the carpet, the couch, the armchair, the chandelier, even the ceiling was the color. I also noticed quite a few golden statues along the edges of the floor. They were so good, they looked almost life like.

"Well, we might as well just sleep here." Luke said, unfolding his bed roll and laying it on the floor. Me and Thalia did the same, and we all laid down on top of them. Thalia and Luke fell asleep immediately, but I lay awake, thinking about that weird golden flash of light I saw in the upstairs window.

The more I thought about it, the more I had to investigate it. Quietly, so I didn't wake Luke and Thalia, I crept over to the giant stairwell. I went up, and noticed that one of the doors was closed, while the rest of them were opened. I slowly pushed the door open, and nearly jumped out of my skin.

It was a bedroom, a very golden bedroom. The dresser, the desk, and the mirror were all gold. The entire bed was also gold, the sheets, pillows, mattress, blanket and comforter. What scared me the most was what was sitting on top of the bed. It was a man, staring straight at her. He was wearing a golden bathrobe, golden pajama pants, golden slippers, and a golden crown.

I gasped, stumbling backwards. "Your- your King Midas! Oh gods..." Thalia and Luke told me a story of King Midas once. Apparently he earned a gift from the gods, so he asked for his touch to turn things to gold. Accidentally, he turned his own daughter to gold when he hugged her one day.

"Well hello, young demigod." He said, standing up and coming slowly towards her,"you'll make a wonderful statue. The young ones always sell for lots if drachmas."

"L-leave me alone! Thalia! Luke! Help!" I screamed, hoping they would wake up and come save me.

Sure enough, I heard Luke yelling, "Annabeth! Where are you?"

I sprinted out of the room, with Midas coming right after me. Of course, his potbelly made him a little smallerLuke! It's King Midas! The creep who turns people to gold! We have to get out of here!"

"Oh, Styx. Thalia!" He woke her up, telling her that we were in Midas's mansion.

We were just about to leave, when Midas himself came up right in front if the door. "Ah! So there's three demigods to make into new statues. Wonderful! The young ones sell the best." He rubbed his hands together, advancing on them. Thalia and Luke pulled out their swords, and I pulled out my knife.

"Split!" Thalia yelled, and we all went different directions around Midas, trying to distract him, without getting turned to gold.

I screamed, as Midas, grinning wildly, cornered me. Thalia came up stealthy behind him with her sword.

Just as Thalia was going to stab him, he reached out a fat finger and touched her cheek.

Thalia and I screamed, while Luke yelled, "Annabeth! No-!" But my bison was turning gold, and I could feel my limbs stiffening.

I just saw Thalia and Luke stab Midas at the same time, then everything went black.


CLIFFHANGER! So, I have a question for you guys. At the end if the book, should I include the part where Annaneth meets Percy? Please comment!


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