11: Thalia

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I thought with each footstep. I mean, aren't they supposed to save as many demigods as possible? But noooooo, this stupid jerkface satyr had to just save Nadia, he couldn't save us too?

Anyways, we've been walking through the woods all day and my feet were really starting to hurt. So, Luke suggested we sit down and rest for a little while.

We were just sitting down on a large rock behind some bushes, when we heard a voice coming from behind the bushes. "I'm so hungry! I want demigods! I haven't seen demigods in long time!" Shocked, me and Annabeth looked at Luke. He put his finger to his lips.

A second voice, less rough than the first one, said, "Yeah. I wish demigods come through cyclops woods again!"

Startled, I whispered "cyclops?!"

Luke began to stand up slowly and whispered back, "run."

We quietly crept away, then began to run. Suddenly, the rougher voice yelled, "I smell demigod! I smell demigod!" And we all looked behind us to see the two 9 foot tall cyclopes running right behind us.

Annabeth whimpered, and all three of us drew our weapons. We'd never be able to outrun two Cyclopes. The one with the less rough voice growled and charged. In about five minutes, he was a pile of golden dust, by the hands of me and Annabeth. But Luke was still battling the other, bigger cyclops. Annabeth and I rushed to his aid, but we knew we couldn't fight this one off, me and Annabeth were exhausted from the other one.

"Run!" Luke yelled, sprinting towards the edge of the woods.

We sprinted after him. Then, the cyclops came up to one side of us, forcing us to run a different direction. I realized he was making us run somewhere else, into a trap, probably. "Luke! He's making us run right into his-" I yelled, just as we ran right into an abandoned building. As soon as we were inside, we lost the cyclops. "Lair." I finished, catching my breath.

"Styx. This is bad." Luke said.

We walked a little further, and found ourselves facing three hallways. "Well, everybody pick a hallway, yell if you find a way out." Luke said. He went in the middle hallway, I went on the left, and Annabeth went on the right.

I had gone down three hallways when I heard it. It was Annabeth! Screaming! "ANNABETH!" I yelled, running back the way I came. But I was lost. Then I heard Luke yelling. I ran in circles, trying to find them.

Suddenly a giant hand came down in front of me. It was the cyclops! I was flung through the air and thrown onto the ground. I screamed so loud I almost lost my voice. I hate heights.

Then the hand came down again and tied my up in a long rope, then strung me to the ceiling. I looked the the side, trying not to look at the ground, 10000000 miles away.

"Thalia?" Came Luke's voice.


"Thalia! Oh no... Annabeth's out there all by herself!"

Then, at the same time, we both screamed, "ANNABETH!"

We continued to scream for her, until we heard a shout. Annabeth ran into the clearing holding her knife. We both gasped as the cyclops came into view.

Annabeth jumped straight into the air and stabbed his eye. While the cyclops was jumping up and down in pain, she raced to me and cut my bonds.

I jumped over to the cyclops with my sword while she cut Luke free.


Ten minutes later, we were walking out of the old warehouse, breathless. Once both me and Luke were cut free, the three of us took down the already half-blind cyclops pretty easily.

We walked through the forest, wondering when what our next challenge would be.


Sorry for taking forever to update! Question of the chapter: what other challenges do you want them to face? Write your answer in the comments!


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