16: Annabeth

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FYI, this is going to be a super short chapter... It's just a filler until the lat chapter, which is next.

It's been six months since Luke came back from his quest to find a golden apple. The prophecy was right, because he did come back with a scar. His faced got scratched by the dragon Ladon when he was fighting him.

I'm eight now, almost nine. I've been asking to go on a quest practically nonstop since Luke got his. "Hi Chiron! Do you have a-" I asked, coming up to the big house.

"No, I don't have a quest for you, but there is a prophecy upstairs for you..." He said, looking worried.

"A prophecy? Okay..." I save you the creepy details about the Oracle of Delphi, but this is what the prophecy said:

A young child of Wisdom

will like what will come

When the child of the sea

is the key

When she catches a peek

of him trying to sneak

She leaves the camp

through danger they tramp

And I can see

what they will be

So yeah. I'm kinda confused, but I guess it means that I'm going to get a quest! But there is no child of Poseidon in existence... Maybe there is, but he's hidden or something.

I went out to the sword fighting arena to train. If I'm going to have a quest, I might as well be prepared for it.

I thought about the prophecy more. A young child of Wisdom... That makes sense. I'm the youngest child of Athena at the camp. Him trying to sneak... Maybe he sneaks around camp after hours and they go on a quest? Through danger they tramp... That doesn't sound so good. I can see what they will be... That's strange. I don't what what we will be. I mean, Athena a Poseidon hate each other.

I guess I just have to wait until this supposed son of Poseidon appears.


Okay I know this is like the shortest chapter in the universe, sorry:/

The next chapter is the last one! It's going to take place during Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters.


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