3: Luke

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Luke was sitting in the kitchen eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich when his father appeared in a flash of light. His dad was Hermes, by the way. Luke dropped his sandwich and ran over to him.

"Dad! What are you doing here? Mom goes crazy all the time, I don't know what happens, it's really scary, and-" Luke said in a rush.

"I know, Luke. I watch over you guys, when Zeus isn't look- I mean when I have the time." Hermes said. "Now, I know it's terrifying when your mother has one of her fits. That's why you need to go to Camp Half-Blood."

"Camp what?" Luke asked.

"Half-Blood. It's the only place safe for people like you. I'll send a satyr to find you as soon as I can, but you need to leave now." said Hermes, getting a backpack out. "This has everything you should need. The sword had a half Celestial bronze, half metal blade, so it's dangerous to mortals and monsters. Now go." he gestured to the door as his mother walked into the kitchen.

The moment she saw Hermes, she collapsed into his arms shaking. Her eyes were bright green. "My son! Danger! Fate..." she cried.

"I know. Trust me, I know." Hermes said sadly, as Luke ran out the door.

Luke ran down the street, and pulled out the magic sword from his father. It really was beautiful. Half Celestial bronze, half normal iron. He would have time to admire it later. For now, he needed to find a way to safety, until the satyr found him.

Luke knew about the monsters. They would find him eventually. He even learned to fight with a sword, the last time his father visited. Well, that was the first time, actually. Luke had only met his father twice, now. But he knew the gods couldn't visit their kids.

He was so absorbed in thought, he almost didn't notice the huge black hellhound stalking towards him. He looked up just in time. The giant black dog pounced at him. But Luke was ready. He lifted his sword, and the hellhound landed right on the blade. It disinigrated into a pile of golden dust.

The hellhound attack had kinda freaked him out. Luke sprinted down the street.


I'm sooooo sorry the past three chapters have been so short, I just needed to start the story.:) I promiseeeeeee the next chapters will be longer!

~Megan <3

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