14: Annabeth

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I sat at the Athena table and stared at my food, unable to eat. I can't believe she's gone. And Luke's not talking either.

He came up to me after breakfast and said, "I'm sorry. I should have taken the Cyclops. It's my fault."

Shocked that he would say that, I said, "No! It's not your fault! There's nothing you could do about it, Luke."

"You're right, I guess. It's the gods' fault. They should have protected her." Before I could protest, he whirled around and ran to the Hermes cabin.

I sighed and walked to the sword fighting arena. I did wish I had actually gotten to see my mom, at least once.

I continued to slice apart the dummies, thinking about Athena. I wished I would get to see her someday, at least.

Then a girl with dark green eyes and long black hair ran up to me. "Hey, Annabeth!" She yelled "Can I train with you?"

It was Alex Porter, an unclaimed girl who was a couple years older than her that she had befriended. "Hey Alex! Course you can!"

"Cool. So, guess what?" She asked, sparring with me.

"What?" I asked.

"I got claimed! Hermes! I'm kinda annoyed cause I still have to be in the crazily full Hermes cabin, but I get a bunk now. All the unclaimed kids sleep on the floor, and the Hermes kids sleep on the bunks." She said, smiling like crazy.

"That's awesome! At least you got claimed, even if it is Hermes." I said.

She grinned and we continued to sword fight.


At the campfire a week later, Chiron had an announcement for us. "Hermes has Iris Messaged me, with a quest for a certain child of his. He has said it is to prove themselves to him." Chiron said, and every Hermes child perked up and sat ramrod straight in their seats. All except for Luke, who stayed slumped down and relaxed in his chair. I wondered why.

"This child of Hermes must go and capture three of the Hesperides golden apples. This is a dangerous quest for only the finest Hermes hero." Again, all the Hermes kids where on the edge of their chairs. Luke yawned and crossed his legs.

"This hero must complete this quest by themself, with nobody to accompany them. The hero is... Luke Castellan!" Chiron announced, clapping as Luke made his way forward, and all the Hermes kids sat back down, looking disappointed.

Luke looked happy to have received the quest, but he didn't look surprised at all. Strange. He shook Chiron's hand, then went into the attic to receive his prophecy.

Once he came back out of the big house, looking slightly freaked out, I cornered him. "What's all this about?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, Hermes contacted me with a dream to congratulate us on making it to Camp, I complained about being stick here forever, and he said he would get me a quest to get outta here for a while, so I knew it would be me when Chiron announced it. And actually, I'm glad I found you. I need help figuring out this prophecy." He said, showing her the piece of paper he wrote the prophecy on.

It said:

A halfblood son of the messenger god

Must find the apples against the odds

He will fight the dragon

As red as a wagon

And receive a mark

As rough as bark

After much effort

He will reach the fort

One of the sisters will see

And give him the key

To reach the tree

That has the three

"Okayyyyy... Well... Halfblood son, that's you. Messenger god is Hermes. Find the apples is the golden apples, I dunno what it means about the odds, and I don't know about any red dragon... Receive a mark? Like scar? Or something else? One sister will see must meet one of the Hesperides, and the tree with three is the tree that the three golden apples are." I said, not sure about all of it.

"That's great! Thanks, Annabeth!" He said.

"Wisdom's daughter, remember? And prophecies have double meanings, and I'm not sure about all of it." I said, smiling.

"Yeah, well, you helped with a lot. I better get going. See you after I get these stupid apples to 'prove myself to Hermes'" he said, in an surprisingly good impersonation of Chiron.

I laughed, then hugged him before he walked up half-blood hill and out of the barrier from Thalia's tree.


Sorry this is such a short chapter, it's just a filler before Luke's quest. And Alex Porter is a character that @animallover001 made up and PM'd me.

Also, there is only going to be two more chapters left in this! (Most likely) so I hope you all enjoyed it!


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