Five Years Later

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I knew that prophecy would come true. Last year, Percy Jackson came to camp. He is a child of Poseidon, and he kinda bugs me. But that's okay, because I got to go on my first quest with him, to save his mother from Hades, which we succeeded in doing, along with his satyr-protector, Grover.

Now it's summer again, and he's coming back to camp. Speaking of, here he comes. "Hey Seaweed Brain!" I said, hugging him as he got out of the car, "get kicked out of another school?"

"Hey Annabeth!" He winced, "you know it."

I laughed as Grover came over, "Hey Perce!"

"Hi Grover!"


One week later


In the first week of Camp, me and Percy had been training together every day. You could say he's gotten way better than last year.

Then he got called to the Big House.

"Perce, nobody gets called to the big house for a good thing." Grover said as we walked with him there.

"Thanks, Grover." He said nervously.

"You haven't done anything, right?" I asked.

"Yeah." Percy said.

When we got to the Big House, Chiron was waiting for him.

"Whatever you think I did, I didn't do it." Percy said.

"You have done nothing, son. There's someone here for you." Chiron said. Okay, now I was confused, which doesn't happen often.

We walked inside, to find a big guy facing the wall, looking at a poster of the Gods. "Percy, this is Tyson. He's, well, he's another son of Poseidon." Chiron said.

"But... Poseidon doesn't have any other demigod children, does he?" Percy asked.

"No, he doesn't." Chiron said as the Tyson person turned around.

I gasped. He had only one eye. He was a Cyclops. Like the one who had killed Thalia, only a lot smaller. "How did that- that thing get in here?!" I asked, clenching my fists.

"Hello, brother." Tyson said. Percy looked ready to pass out.


One week later


We were eating lunch one day, when Tyson, the blasted Cyclops, stiffened up. "Bull." He said.

"What?" Me and Percy asked.

"Smells like bull." He said, looking around.

I just shrugged and went back to eating. But then there was a huge bang, coming from the forest.

"WE GOT BARRIER ACTION!" Clarisse, annoying daughter of Ares, yelled. Everyone got up and ran to Thalia's tree. Believe it or not, there was a Caucus Bull banging on the barrier.

"The barrier will hold." Percy said. Then there was a huge shattering noise, and the bull bounded into Camp.


Not to retell the gory details, but Clarisse tried to be a hero, but Percy ended up killing it.

But then, we saw the tree. Thalia's tree was dying.


"Chiron! Mr. D! I know how to fix Thalia's tree!!!!!!" I yelled, sprinting into the Big House. "The Golden Fleece." I panted.


Well, now I'm mad. Oh so wonderful Mr. D decided to introduce my Golden Fleece idea as his own. And then, he chose Clarisse, of all people, to go and get it from the island.

"Percy!" I yell-whispered through his cabin door at eleven o clock that night, "Percy!"

"What?!" He asked, coming out the door.

"We have to go get that fleece. Clarisse is not going to help!" I said, shoving him a backpack with supplies in it, "let's go get Grover."

He grinned, "Awesome."


Twenty minutes later, Grover, Percy and I were sneaking past the harpies and on our way to find the Golden Fleece.


Well, I hope you enjoyed my book! This is the the last chapter:(:)

I'm also excited because the is the first book I've finished on here!!

I'm releasing a new book on November 1st, called Chasing Stars. It's a spin on If I Stay and The Fault in our Stars. I hope you read it!!!!

I want to thank everybody who has read, commented on, and voted for this book. It means a lot, I love you all!!!!


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