[12] Library

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I survived because the fire within me burned brighter than the fire around me.

[Credits to the owner]


It was my third school day at Liondalle and I can't help but feel lonely. I haven't seen Natalina and Beau anywhere. I guess they're avoiding me too. Well, that's fine. Atleast I didn't get too attached to them.

I gazed out the window. The village seemed lively. From afar, I could make out figures of people laughing and some kids playing around the streets. I wonder what it's like to be out there?

"Sometimes the world seems to be against you,"

I turned to the voice and saw Sasha, my other roommate, staring at a distance. She had this timid smile on her face. I was a little bothered because this is the first time she attempted a conversation.

"But no matter what happens, you have to survive, Aza." Finally, she lifted her head and met my eyes. After that, she turned on her heel and exited the room. I was left pondering on what she said. I have to survive. Did she say that to comfort me, or did she do that out of pity? I guess I will never know.

I took in a deep breath and released all the stress in my body. I forced a smile as I observed my reflection in the mirror. My black wizard robes emphasized the red badge on my left chest. My dark hair's a mess and my deep brown eyes became a shade darker. And in that moment, I knew I was torn in between who I and who I should be.


I skipped breakfast and headed down the empty hallways. I don't plan on attending any of my classes today. I know I'll just create another reason for me to be expelled. Besides, no one would even care if I went missing in Charms lessons. At the very least, Professors Bonks, Gin, Mully and Fumes would probably be joyed to see my seat empty in their classes today.

I was lucky I haven't bumped into anyone so far. My feet were automatically leading me to a set of tall double doors. When I peaked inside, I saw shelves of books towering the room. I grinned. I think I found Liondalle's library.

Slowly, I took a few steps inside. There wasn't a librarian. After making sure the coast was clear, I ran towards the closest shelf and began reading the titles one by one. Eversince I was a kid, the library became my comfort zone. I'm the type of person that falls in love with the pages rather than the dusty old book covers.

"The Worst of African Beenie weeds, A Complete list of MidWorld Creatures, How to Jinx a Werewolf.." I read aloud, my mind creating scenes of what those books portray. I was about to grab a copy of 'Marrying a Mermaid' when a certain book caught my attention. It had a worn-out spine. The title glimmered in golden engravings,

"Mysteries of the Pureblood line, Fifth Edition by Fenrock Williams."

Purebloods.. From what Beau told me, there are only five existing bloodlines left in this century. I wonder what happened to the others?

With any second thoughts, I stretched out my hand and tried to get it. But the book was elevated too high for me to reach. "Dammit.." I murmured and stood on my tiptoes. Just then, someone grabbed the book and spoke,

"You should've just used a summoning spell. Here,"

I hesitantly smiled at the man who held it out in front of me. His velvet robes catching my eye.

"Thanks, Lincoln."

Lincoln Walter returned the smile and sat down on one of the study tables. I sat opposite from him and started skimming through the pages of the old book. It was literally five times thicker than my normal school books back in my old high school!

"Why aren't you in your class?" He seriously asked. I lowered my head, feeling a tad bit ashamed of myself.

"I'm too pretty.. Can that be counted as a valid reason?"

Lincoln raised an eyebrow at me. His gaze was calculating and it made me a concious. Finally, he let out a steady breath.

"Does this have something to do with the riot you made in Potions yesterday?"

"H-How did you---I mean, no! No way. Psh. Why would I be affected with something like that?" Yeah, and you're a terrible liar Aza Sterlings. No wonder Lincoln didn't bought my joke earlier. I'm seriously not good at these kind of things.

"If you're someone who easily gives up because of a mistake, then you shouldn't be here, Miss Sterlings. Liondalle's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a battlefield, yet we are all still soldiers in training. There's a bigger world outside the castle and you need to be prepared for that. The school may help you excel in magic, but in the end, you're the only one who can help yourself."

I forced myself to look at him. Lincoln stared at me intently.

"But.. No one accepts me!"

He laughed humorlessly.

"Don't complain. If you can't even accept yourself, don't expect other people to accept you."

And that hit me. Hard. I know I'm on the verge of tears now. Yesterday's events flashed back to me. I pathetically smiled at him and stated, "You're right."

Lincoln grinned. "I'm Lincoln Walter, House prefect and Senior Student Assistant of Nickerfoxes House of Evil, but of course I'm always right about everything."

I rolled my eyes when he winked at me. Though I'm really grateful. He made me feel better.

"By the way, why we wearing different colored robes?" I asked out of curiosity when silence fell on us.

"You're still in the younger class, Aza. Only third and fourth year students wear robes according to their house colors." He explained. I blinked. "Wait up.. What year are you in?"

Lincoln's boyish smile appeared. "I'm already in my last year. But age doesn't matter, right?" And there's this flirtatious glint in his eyes again! I swear, he's flirting with me! And damn these cheeks of mine for heating up.

"I have to go back to work. Attend your next class, alright?" He stood up. I only managed a nod and resentfully watched Lincoln walk away. I sighed.

I'll just be attending afternoon classes. Wait..shit. I still have detention this evening! I closed the book and banged my head on it.

Aza, your life is a bloody disaster.


Aza SterlingsWhere stories live. Discover now