[31] Sir Williams

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Soon enough, the other professors came bursting inside the room. They were all equally shocked and depressed to see my aunt's body. Professor Fumes made a beeline for her and tried to search for a pulse, but lowered her head when she found nothing. Tears immdiately escaped Professor Mully's eyes. The others were asking the headmaster questions but he said nothing and only stared at me in fatherly concern.

"Professors, if I may ask, can you leave me with Ms. Sterlings and Mr. Clintwood for a while? Do what has to be done with Professor Vines' body and I will meet you all at the faculty room."

After grandpa said that, all went silently out with my dead aunt being floated in the air, though Professor Vizor seems hesitant at first, he eventually left the room.

When the door closed and the headmaster made a soundproofinh charm, he turned to look at me.

"Yes, Aza. I'm sorry to say, but Mr. Walter seems to have turned his back on us permenantly. I found him suspicious eversince that incident with the Files Room. That's why I had Matt leave the castle and spy on him while he disguised himself as one of the Knights. I even had to make it look like the faculty and I suspected him as the perpetrator."

I weakly sat down on the floor. His words processing inside my head. Then, I felt Matt's presence. He sat beside me without a word, his eyes focused ahead of him. Though he didn't exert much effort, I felt comfortable by having him near me.

The headmaster continued, gazing out of the broken window.

"Based from the information we managed to get, Mr. Walter's goal was to assassinate Professor Vines. No wonder he went as far as mixing some Evanium liquid to keep you out of the way. With you infatuated with him, Lincoln found it easy to work without suspicion."

I gritted my teeth in anger. So that's why I was so head over heels with him! Though, I really thought it was just me crushing on him. Evanium liquid. That fucker practically used my own aunt's potion against me! Maybe that's the reason why girls would throw themselves at him lately. And I haven't even noticed!

Honestly, I have all the reasons to hate myself.. I drew in a deep breath and forced myself not to cry. Nice job, Az. You really screwed up..

This must be what Mace was telling me about. I trusted the wrong man...

Matt spoke, "After a while, I found out that he was associated with those fire dancers. The headmaster and I tried to scare them off when they first took step in the school premises but it didn't work. Everyone was on Lincoln's side. Being a prefect and all. I guess he was contacting them by sending random owls at night.. Bastard." bitterness can he heard in his voice. I mused on the thought for a while. So, the attack was a diversion. It was meant to distract us while he killed auntie!

Wait a minute... Owls? My mind wandered back to when I frequently saw an owl flying in the night sky whenever I had Silver send my letter to Dina. That was him.. Well, shit.

The whirl of emotions made me sicker. "Why..Why didn't you do anyway then?!" even I surprised myself when I suddenly shouted. The headmaster merely smiled to himself and stared at Aunt Ruella's ruined portrait.

"We tried. But your aunt didn't want to escape the 'inevitable' as she said it would be. All these years, she live off as a lonesome prophet that never spoke her mind or revealed her thoughts to anybody. I believe she predicted this would come one day, as to why she talked to Professer Vizor and I to reestablish the Dark Sorcery class."

Aunt Ruella. Why must you always be a noble woman? Why must you always have your principles? Everything about my aunt had me question her acts. She could've prevented her own death, couldn't she?

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