[26] Odd Things

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The strangest sounds keep me awake at night, and the beating of my heart gives me nightmares.


"You didn't put out that fire all by yourself, did you?"

My breath hitched at what Matt said and I suddenly find it hard to meet his gaze. With a heart hammering inside my chest, I heaved, "W-What are you talking about?" But all he answered me was an amused smirk. Shit.

"Figures.. You suck at water control, anyway."

What in the bloody bloodhounds?!

A burst of anger flared through me. I shot Matt Clintwood a nasty look and barked out, "Are you freakin' underestimating my ability, Clintwood?! If you're so damn good at water control, then you should've extinguished that fire yourself!"

But it seems like none of my words reached his senses. He was still studying my expression as if I'm some kind of rare species.

"Who did it?"

I bit my tongue and roamed the room for an escape. Screw this situation!

"Sterlings, I'll tell the whole school your little secret, if you don't tell me who the fuck put out that fire!"


"Try picking on someone your own size, Clintwood. Are you that bored that you'll even resort in bullying an innocent witch?"

We turned to the door and saw Hue Parker, leaning against it's frame. Matt clenched his fists and struggled to remain calm. "Got lost in the corridors again, Parker?"

Hue Parker, who was a fairly attractive wizard---I'd give him that, stepped towards us. "I was just curious why our celebrity isn't at Herbology yet. Should I tell Professor Mully you were the cause of delay?"

But before Matt could even counter, Hue pulled me by the hand and dragged me out of the room. We ran until we reached the greenhouse where the sun seems to be glaring at us from above. I turned to Hue and smiled gratefully, "Thanks." He nodded, "What was that about? Matt seemed serious."

Gulping, I shrugged and led the way in, only to be greeted by Carol, the giant man-eating plant, and several other students who gave me a friendly smile..

When dismissal came, the first thing that crossed my mind was the ever-so stunning Lincoln Walter. I blushed crimson upon recalling the memory he left me with this morning. Nat gave me a confused look. "You seriously have a crush on our prefect.."

"Y-Yeah. Hey, I gotta go.. See you later?"

Natalina sighed and nodded. "I'll just go feed Silver. The little guy might be hungry." And after that, she walked up the entrance to the castle. I, on the other hand, started walking towards the garden. Flashes of Lincoln's boyish smiles erupted in my head.

Let me court you. Well, fuck these feelings.

When I reached the garden, I saw no one around. "Lincoln?" The flowers looked exotic even under the rays of the setting sun. It was almost nighttime but the twin moons hung closely above the sky. An eerie breeze swept my bangs and a voice cradled my ears.


I spun around and saw a giant red rose, the size of a basketball, floating towards me. Lincoln stood a few feet away, and he was staring at me with gleeful eyes.

"Take it, it's free."

I nodded in hesitation and held the flower between my palms. He walked closer and placed a hand against my cheek.

Aza SterlingsWhere stories live. Discover now