[33] Behind The Walls

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"Something behind those walls bother me." -Aza Sterlings


Matt and I were sitting on the training room's floor. Sweat dripped from the side of my face and we were both staring at nothing in particular. I held my wand and played with it. Matt immediately scolded me, "You shouldn't be playing with your wand like that. Do you want it to malfunction? It may cost you your life, y'know."

I smiled weakly at him. "Thanks for the concern."

He snapped his head back at me and his frown deepened, "I wasn't---"

I laughed at his expression. "Chill. You're too handsome to be paranoid." Matt eventually smiled and laughed with me. After that, a smirk crossed his lips and it, somehow, made me blush.

"Glad you finally admit I'm attractive. What took you so long, Sterlings?"

I snorted. "Did I? Oh, please. Not every girl visualizes you as a prince, Clintwood. Don't be too arrogant."

But Matt suddenly became serious. He looked at me straight in the eye and sighed. "Atleast my arrogance will be the first thing you'll miss.."

I stood up and reached out my hand to him. "Don't be like that. Tomorrow's Christmas Eve. We should enjoy this while it lasts." He meekly nodded and took hold of my hand as I struggled to help him stand. He chuckled at me and led the way out of the room.


We've already planned this out. Since the Yule time season is the safest time, thanks to the many students going home to their families and prefects who won't be on patrol, Beau suggested that we should take action as soon as possible. Although it's kinda depressing because I have to leave on Christmas Eve and Dina never wrote a letter to me, I know I need to do this.

When we reached the common room, I spotted Natalina and Beau sitting on the couch, arguing about something on magical herbs. Aside from the four of us, only two freshmen and half a dozen seniors chose to stay for the Christmas break.

"I told you, this shrub cures sore eyes and can reduce frog pimples! I've seen an old witch use it in the village!" my blonde friend seemed outraged. Beau stayed calm and shook his head, "Don't be silly. The only thing that'll reduce frog pimples is your loudmouth."

Matt ignored them and slumped on the opposite sofa. For the past few days, he became closer to us---well, part of that was because of the plan--but Matt Clintwood's least of a jerk nowadays. I stared at the three persons who never left my side and smiled to myself. I'll miss them. Aftee that, I excused myself. Nat took notice and asked, "Sleeping early?"

I shook my head. "I need to finish packing. Tomorrow's a big day." they went silent until I ascended the stairs that led to the bedrooms.

"Hoot! Hoot!" Silver was already waiting for me. I patted his head and started emptying my small wardrobe. I packed a couple of shirts, a robe and my wand inside it. I continued packing things I think are necessary since I have no idea what awaits me on the other side of that wall. When I finished, I stared out the window and my eyes travelled until it reached the dark portion of the forest. I gulped. I just wish everything will go as planned.


The 24th of December came by and the hours flew past me. Nat and Beau made sure I enjoyed the day with a little help from Matt. When dusk came, we were all sitting inside the Great Hall. The grand room decorated with magical snow and pixies fluttered by. Candles were lit and the sun set down in the horizon.

"Come back as soon as you can, okay? Just check what's out there and send me a letter. We'll come running to fetch you. Understood?" Nat whispered. I grinned at her and nodded. I was about to mutter a reply when the headmaster came barging in the hall, his expression was frantic. The pixies haulted and soon enough, the professors were running towards the entrance. The few students from Strayhounds and Chisslewings looked as alarmed as we are.

Aza SterlingsWhere stories live. Discover now