[25] Lies

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Monday morning came with a letter from Dina. Silver made himself comfortable with under my bedsheets as I unfolded the piece of parchment.

Dear Aza,

Keep your eyes open. Write to me if there are any more updates. Take care.


I frowned. Last night, I told her about what happened with the fire the other day. I even told her how awful I feel for lying to my aunt and teachers. She's been my human diary for years, but lately, my sister's messages were a bit odd. In every letter, she'd tell me to don't let my guard down at any costs. I don't know if this is her being paranoid or if she just has this sort of gut-feel.

Natalina then came running beside me. "AZA!"

"Yup? Hey, don't be such a loudmouth, Nat. Silver's taking his nap."

My blonde friend beamed at me. "After what you did last Saturday, it'll be hard to keep my mouth shut! I mean, the whole school's talking about you!" Huh? "What are you talking about?"

She raised her arms exasperatedly. "You put out the fire!"

Okay, now I'm confused. So what if I did? Oh, wait.. I didn't. And that only made things worse. Natalina smiled thoughtfully at me. "You'll find out soon enough. Come on! Let's have some breakfast.."

And before I could even complain, Natalina shoved me inside the bathroom,

"After you take a shower, of course! Beau's waiting for us at the common room. Ugh. And don't remind me of our punishment! Tsk! Lincoln's really a freak."

The three of us walked down the crowded hallway towards the Great hall. Some Strayhound girls were staring at me from a distance and it suddenly made me conscious. Beau nudged me. "Feeling alright?"

"No." I immediately answered and passed by some first year Chisslewings who were gawking at me. My pureblooded friend shrugged, giving me a knowing smile.

"Ever since the headmaster told us about what you did the other day, most of the students started idolizing you. What you did completely changed their views of you."

I turned my attention back to him after nodding at a raven haired girl who greeted me. "You think so?"

Natalina patted my shoulder as we walked through the large double doors.

"Yeah. Before, they though you were some 'useless brat who hides behind her aunt'. Those bitches! Anyway, now they all think you're following Professor Vines' footsteps!"

"U-Uh.. I guess so."

Dammit! Why did grandpa tell them about it anyway? It's not like I saved the whole school! I'm pretty sure the teachers would've extinguished that fire easily. Something's really off here. And to think that I even lied just to get my peers' attention!

We sat at the far end of our table. The other Nickerfoxes attempted to engage me in conversations. I felt foreign with the way they treat me. It's almost like the finally accept me. A smile graced my lips but when I saw Matt's expression, it faded as if a charm made that happen.

His eyes were unreadable. A frown on his face. I averted my gaze away from him. He probably thinks I'm a bitch for claiming credit for what he did. I'll just talk to him later.

After finishing off my salmon soup, I jolted when Lincoln suddenly sat down beside me. He squeezed himself in between me and Natalina. Our house prefect smiled at me and it suddenly lifted the weight Matt's gaze was giving me.

"Seems like you're famous now, Az."

"L-Lincoln.. Uh.. Yeah? I guess so."

That flashy smile's too much! But when I remembered about our punishment, it made me feel uneasy. And I guess he noticed it. Lincoln Walter leaned closer to me that caught the attention of every occupant in our table. His lips were dangerously near my earlobe.

"I'll let you two off the hook, if.."

My heart pounded inside my chest. "I-If what..?" I really can't deny that I'm hell attracted to this man. He gave me a view of his fine jaw and hypnotizing eyes bore into mine as he touched my hand.

"Let me court you."

In an instant, my breath rattled. I can feel blood rush to my cheeks as he stood up and winked at me boyishly. "After classes, I'll meet you at the school garden." And after that, he walked away. My mouth hang open. Natalina squealed in delight and Beau shook his head in boredom.

"I knew he liked you." He said.

Nat grinned at me and pulled me to my feet. "Come on, you witty witch! Dark Sorcery Class is up."

That momentarily broke my daze. "W-What? I thought we're not having it 'til this friday?"

Nat shrugged. "Haven't you read the note at the back of your schedule? The headmaster will have the time tables jumbled up every week! So you shouldn't really lose your schedule, Az.. Or else you'll be in for a lot of trouble!"

"Shit." Wait, where did I put that sched again?!

"AZAAAAAAAAAA!" Natalina and I stopped in our tracks and spun around to find Erland jogging towards me. He had a toothy grin.

"YOU WERE AWESOME! CAN I-----ARGH! What the Bobber cookie?!"

Several seniors laughed. They bewitched Erland's shoes to trip him and it worked well. Too well. Natalina laughed and stole me away from the scene.

"We better get going, before that Erland guy starts chasing you around! Seriously, he's really into the famous chicks."

I shook my head in amusement. But, from the corner of my eye, I can still see Matt glaring at me.

After my Divination Class with Professor Gin, Matt Clintwood approached me. I lifted my head to meet his gaze.

"H-Hey, Matty---"

"You better not decide to call me that from now on."

I sighed. Typical. After a few seconds, he spoke,

"Last Saturday, what you did-----"

"I-I know.. I'm sorry, okay? I know I shouldn't be taking credit for what you did in there but.."

Matt stared at me in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

Huh? Wait, h-he wasn't the one who did the water control charm?! No, Az.. That's impossible. You two were the only students there! Or maybe it was a teacher?

"I-I, umm.. What were you saying earlier?"

He sighed out of frustration. "As I was saying, what you did the other day was stupid. You could've gotten yourself into trouble. You should've called for my help. And now you're acting all mighty because you saved the Files Room from catastrophe?"

My eyes shot wide with what he said. SHIT. Then that means..

"What's going on, Sterlings?"

I shook my head and grabbed my bag. "N-Nothing! Psh. Anyway, I'll keep that in mind---ah!"

He slammed my back to the wall. Matt's intense gaze bore into mine and a smug look crossed his features.

"You naughty, little liar."


Aza SterlingsWhere stories live. Discover now